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Safe sat with her daughter who was curled into her chest as her husband holds them as they try and keep Jamie warm as books were thrown in the fire place to keep the fire going as one of Sam's friends holds a radio trying to eat a signal.

A white truck drives through the snow as jack listen to the radio "the white house has ordered...the following national disaster alert for all northern states: continued exposure to the approaching storm is deadly. Remain indoors and take all measures to stay warm.... Burning any feel sources until the storm is"was said over the radio as he looks forward 'help is on the way guys'he said in his head.

"Where are we"he asked.

"Looks like just north of Philadelphia"a man says looking at some kind of digital map when suddenly the truck rocks as the road became very bumpy "look out"jack says as they bust through a hill of snow as the truck geta stuck.

"You guys okay"jack asked around as they all nodded there heads breathing heavily as the lights turn on brightly"sorry boss"the man driving says to jack.

"Unpack those snow shoes we're walking from here"he says determined.

The people who left the library was shown huddled underneath a bridge as the snow storm continues"come on men let's get up and get going"the officer that led gen here says as two man were shown staying warm by a burning barrel"we've only made it to Brooklyn maybe we should just turn back"one of the man says as everyone starts getting up.

"What for ! Half of the city's frozen underwater there's nothing to go back to"the other man says.

"It's time to get up keep moving okay guys keep moving"the officer says as he goes to two people who were huddled underneath a blanket they were elderly he kneels down shaking the women softly"wake up"he says but neither of the two moves before realizing they had passed away in there sleep before getting up with a frown as he walks away.

Sage was tossing a book into the fire as to keep it going she looked slightly paler then usual as Nathan walks over after huddleing Jamie in a blanket close to the warm fire to keep her warm before walking to his wife"hey are you okay"he asked.

"Yeah"she says going to stand up before her vision goes dizzy as she falls into Nathan's arms"whoa her what's wrong"he says worried before feeling her said as he pulls away seeing blood before leaning her back as he moves her jacket showing her shirt tied around her waist soaked with blood as he looks up at his wife in fear"why didn't you say anything"he says  holding her.

"My priority was making sure all y'all stay alive "she whispered as she leans against her her husband as Sam sees that something is wrong as he walks over"he wants wrong "before seeing her side bleeding heavily"I need a first aid kit now!"he yells worried kneeling beside his older sister as he and Nathan help her lay back as she was breathing heavily.

Jamie sees something wrong as she was confused "mommy"she asked making the elder woman from before walking over to keep her distracted as they work on keeping her mother from bleeding out.

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