3. Operation Bar Hop

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Lunaria's lack of traffic and the absence of any tourist traps on the path westward made for a surprisingly calm stroll. Jun took the opportunity to indulge in the faces around them, the snippets of lives passing by, all while going unnoticed. What a shame that they were on the clock. Such a nice day made it hard to track someone down.

A scream from behind pierced through the peace. Jun had no time to react to it before a weight bounced off of their jacket to the tune of clattering and stuttered apologies.

"Fear not, I've got you!"

They turned around to see Roxie hauling Angelo up by the waist, spinning him around, and setting him back on the ground.

She patted him on the head. "You are safe now."

"Th-Thank you..." His voice trailed off in a trembling whisper. Reaching out yet not daring to crouch, he tried to pick up his glasses from the ground. He came so close; his arms just needed to be about three feet longer.

So Jun did it for him. "Here you go."

"S-Sorry for bumping into you."

"Why'd you get heel skates if you can't walk in 'em?" Aiden called from far behind the group.

"Emil–I-I mean Roxie didn't know until after she'd bought them."

"Ha! So that's why he wanted me to take the credit, to take the fall for his folly. I would never buy you platform wheelies. Roxie Safety Tip: When wearing these, don't."

"I knew some dudes who tried those out. You gotta walk on your toes." advised Jun.

"Th-Thanks," Angelo shuffled fast enough to nearly start a fire on the sidewalk, "but I don't want to go t-too slow." He checked his brother's phone just as he had every few minutes, with both hands clutching it as if it were the last memento he had to remember Leon by.

"My hand is free if you're in need of stabilization!" Roxie extended a hand.

His eyes took it in with curiosity. He reached out his hand, hesitantly at first, then slowly inching it toward hers. Roxie cut to the chase and grabbed it. A small smile crossed his face. It grew a little wider once she started swinging their hands. Few were immune to Roxie's cuteness.

"You know," Jun began, "it's only been like what, three weeks-ish? And yet, in the past couple of days, you've really felt like one of the gang. Dunno why I felt this way, but I couldn't wrap my head around you being a permanent addition until now."

"We haven't even been gone for three months." A deep voice cut off the reply that should have come from Angelo. "It's not like he had that much catchin' up to do."

"I guess that's true. By the way, Leon seems like he's been in a good mood. Even better than on his birthday. Did something happen?"

"You ask like he isn't always smiling." Aiden answered again. How interesting.

"Huh. I dunno, he seemed a little down lately to me." Jun stretched. "Maybe it's just my imagination."

"Hmmm~ Now that I think about it, he was a little less Leon-y last week." Like the angel she was, Roxie answered Jun's prayers and saved this conversation. "But maybe finding Muffinhead cheered him up!" And just like that, she let it die.

"Maybe. You know anything, Angelo?"


"Well, it's a good thing he's happy."

In the mirror of a parked bus, Jun swore they caught Aiden smirking.

What a bother. Couldn't they snoop around in peace? Not with him around, apparently. Though he must've been real proud of himself for getting in the way, he still managed to all but confirm the fears growing within Jun:

(GQ #13) Adventures in SpacepunkWhere stories live. Discover now