chapter 11

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"If you want to stay here tonight, that's fine. I don't mind." Devale said, combing through his son, Trenton's hair. "We might even have a slumber party depending on how fast y'all clean up" He smiled at the thought of excitement on his all 4 of his son's faces when they see Crystal.

"Daddy"? Trent asked as Devale secured the shawl to keep any hair from falling all over him. "Hm?" Devale answered, brushing his hair for an even trim. "Do you like Auntie Crys?" he asked in a highly curious tone. "Yeah" he paused, thinking of how weird it felt for his 6 year old son to asked him that. "Yeah, I do like her. You like her too right"?
"Yes! I love her. She cooks everything the best" he said making Devale laughed as he kicked his feet. "You might look like ya mama but you're definitely me" Devale laughed, "The Ellis men appreciate good food"

Little Trenton just grinned and kicked his feet some more. "Do you like Auntie Crys the same way you like mommy?" he asked, throwing his father completely off.

Devale stretched his eyes, Wow he mouth before he spoke "I'll always love your mother, she gave me you and your brothers" Devale quickly responded. "Me and Auntie Crys have a different type of relationship son. It's not one that's the easiest to explain. You gotta be like 40 to even understand" he laughed and tickled his son to take his mind from being 50 Cent, asking all these questions. There wasn't any proof to point to Khadeen for making Trenton curious but he didn't care for the way she was choosing to act lately and their 6 year old son's topic of choice made it clear she had been saying stuff around the boys she probably shouldn't.

"Can Daddy ask you something though?"

"Mhm" Trenton replied, refocusing his attention on the game he played.

"What made you ask me that? That's kinda deep to just randomly ask" Devale said, being sure to keep his attention on cutting his son's hair while he waited for an answer.
"Mommy told Nana you want to make her like mommy"

"Son" Devale said with enough sternness in his voice to make him finally look up. He took the game from Trenton's hands and put it in the pocket of his sweat pants "What have we told you about paying attention to what you're saying? Make who like mommy?"

"Am I going to get in trouble if-"

"No boy, no" Devale said trying not to laugh, "You won't get in trouble just tell me. Who am I trying to make like your mother?"

"Mommy told Nana you was gonna make Auntie—" before Trenton was given the moment to complete his sentence, the presence of somebody else joined them.
"How much longer until you're done? I need to get them back to the house by.." she stopped talking to dramatically check the time on her watch "7, no later than 7:30"

"Hey mommy!" Trenton happily said, waving his hand from under the shawl after Khadeen stopped ranting but Devale never turned his head to look in her direction. "I hear you Kay" he calmly replied.

"Hey My Trenty" Khadeen smiled and walked over to pitch his cheeks. "Have you and your brother decided on dinner? I need to know so I can let Nana know what to get you guys"

"I want to stay with daddy and TT Tae tonight" Trenton was already beginning to pout.

"No. You have to stay with Nana because—" her words almost got her caught up before she looked over to Devale. "I said so" she quickly said to stop herself from saying too much.

"Let them stay here Kay. If he doesn't want to go, we shouldn't make him" Devale politely intervened but he was still only giving his attention to the steadiness of his hand and line of his clippers "Yeah! What daddy said!" Trenton's mood perched back up but a look from both his parents made him his slouch in the chair. "Devale, Trent knows he has to go with my mom tonight so I don't know why you're trying to fight me on this"

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