~The Start~

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*Sun was cleaning some barrels at the moment,since that helped him to keep his sanity up,and to keep calm somewhat...he wasn't in the best mood to be honest...He was actually feeling like shit at the moment.....He always did....Yet he tried to not show it...why making Moon worried? Or Lunar? Or maybe even Solar,though Sun isn't sure if he even cares about him...Sun shook his head, trying to not think about this at the moment.He looked at the barrel...Getting flashbacks....He still felt a little regret....I mean....He just killed Bloodmoon that one day....Sun groaned,and put the barrel down...He couldn't think positive at the moment...*

*Suddenly,he heard soft footsteps nearby... getting closer to his location.Sun turned around,to see who was getting closer...It was Moon,with an annoyed expression.Sun was unsure if he should ask Moon...whats the matter? Something wrong?... That's what he wanted to know,yet...he was scared and unsure....It was weird..He...was scared...of his own brother...?...He sighed,and then looked at Moon,who was now infront of him*

"hey...uh...Sun...I uh...."
*Moon said,he seemed unsure on what to say.Sun raised an eyebrow,and stopped fully with the cleaning*
"Is....Is something wrong Moon?"
*Sun then finally asked... Nothing would go wrong with asking,right?Moon didn't seem mad atleast...And Sun really didn't want to make him mad....But then...suddenly...Sun felt Moon's hand on his shoulder....Sun flinched at the sudden touch...He had a really bad trauma from it... Especially from the old Moon..He then heard Moon's voice again,which snapped him out of thoughts*
"Sun...First of all,I wanted to ask...Are...Are you okay?"
*Moon asked,and Sun could hear the worry in his tone...Moon seemed to have noticed the weird behavior Sun had the last few weeks...And Sun knew he didn't hide it well this time...Sun felt how his own body started shaking a little...He didn't knew why...*

"I'm...I'm fine..I..I just..."
*Sun sighed heavily...he didn't knew what to say...He heard Moon sighing as well,which made him a bit nervous...He didn't expect Moon to just ask him...He didn't... expect it at all..*
"I-I..I'm...fine...Just... cleaning the daycare again...Right now the barrels....as you can see..."
*Sun then finally answered.Was it a good answer? No.No it wasn't... Because Moon's expression went more serious.More...Upset..*

*He said,his grip on Sun's shoulder getting tighter*
"I can tell, something is wrong.And...Cleaning?Again? I'm pretty sure you told me-Or...told Earth,that cleaning is a way for you to calm down.Why would you need to calm down right now?Did something happen?You know you can talk to me...I'm your brother..."

*Sun looked away,and stood up, grabbing an barrel as he did so*
"I'm not in the mood for talking,okay? Let's just ...Talk later..I don't...want to ..at the moment,please respect that Moon .."
*Once Sun said that,he heard Moon sighing again,this time more heavy.Sun didn't dare to look at Moon though...Sun just ... couldn't describe how he felt at this moment.. something...was wrong.... something...was different...He just didn't knew what it was...But why wouldn't he know it himself?? Shouldn't he know how he feels? Shouldn't he?!..*

"Alright then...I won't bother you then..but don't think I will forget about this..I will come in half an hour,and you will tell me what's wrong..And don't even think about lying to me...tell me the damn truth.."
*Moon said in a rather low tone.Sun felt his body shaking more,but it seems like Moon didn't notice.He was either blind,or Sun just hid the shaking well.Either way,Sun watched Moon going away, slowly...He sighed,and went back to cleaning the barrels...*

It was peaceful...for now..

{Drawings made by me}

{Drawings made by me}

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Sun's villain arc(TSAMS AU)Where stories live. Discover now