~A wholesome Movie night~

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Once Solar prepared the Theater,the whole family had come, with popcorn and disappointment chips.Sun and Moon sat down together on the right side of the theater,since at that spot they had lots of pillows and blankets.Solar and Lunar sat down on the left side,with Earth behind them.Monty also joined, sitting next to Earth.

After a few minutes of talking and deciding...they decided to watch a horror movie.Sun didn't really like horror,but still agreed to it,since the others really wanted to watch it...

Solar turned off the lights in the theater,and the only light that was left came from the big screen and some colored lights...


After an hour,the movie had started to get really good,and brutal.Scenes of people getting ripped apart were shown,lots of blood and screams...Most of the others seemed to enjoy it,some seemed a little scared.Sun was one of the scared ones,infact,the one who was mostly scared.He didn't really showed his fear though...

Moon did notice it... Gently pulling Sun closer,he hugged him,and let him sit on his lap..Sun was surprised and did not expect that at all....this had never happened before...but...he enjoyed it....some Attention from Moon was really nice...he snuggled into Moon's warm and comforting embrace,his face buried into Moon's chest...Moon couldn't help but smile,as this was something he had wanted to do for so long....

Earth noticed the scene and smiled brightly,as she whispered to the others

Earth:"hey...guys...look at Sun and Moon..."

Solar, Lunar and Monty looked at Earth once they heard her whisper,and then looked at Sun and Moon,who were cuddled up together,one asleep and the other watching the movie with an wide smile..It was such a wholesome and adorable sight.... something that was really needed after everything that had happened the last few months...

After two hours,the movie was over.Sun and Moon both were asleep,still cuddled up together...Solar was about to turn the lights back on,but Lunar stopped him

Lunar:"Don't turn the lights on...you could wake them up..."

He said with an smile,as he didn't want the other two to wake up...

Solar:"Right... You're right...Lunar... Actually..."

Solar was thinking for a moment,and then grabbed an large blanket.He walked over to Sun and Moon quietly,while Lunar,Earth and Monty watched.He gently made the two brothers lay down, making sure not to wake them up,and then put the blanket over them.Once that was done,he sneaked to the entrance/exit of the theater

Solar:"Come on y'all,let's leave them alone...they need a break..."

The other's all nodded,and they all left the theater... leaving Sun and Moon alone in there...while they peacefully slept... Cuddled up together...Sun had his head still buried into Moon's chest,and he was laying in Moon's arms,hugging him softly...Moon was holding him tightly,with both arms and legs...

It was peaceful...but that wouldn't hold long...

{Sorry if this chapter was short,I wanted to just make an short wholesome moment,before the actual drama and Angst would come...Next chapter will be longer>:).... }


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