~A Change~

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It was dark...and silent...
Sun was only able to breath weakly...he heard nothing...he saw nothing...he felt...


He heard a faint voice... calling his name...


Sun felt his eyes opening...and saw Moon... shaking him...with tears in his eyes..


He yelled,as he was clearly worried...Sun was confused...he felt a sharp pain in his chest...and the damage Solar had made was still there ... atleast.. mentally...not physically..


He stuttered,not knowing what to say....he felt so... different...there was something brewing in his mind.... Something he hasn't felt in quite a while...

Anger... hatred...pain...

But he stood silent...as he tried to clear his mind...he looked around, trying to process...Moon was hugging Sun tightly,and was crying...Sun himself was also crying....he just didn't notice...Lunar and Earth were also there...probably because they had heard Moon's yelling...

Moon:"Sun? ...Sun!...thank God you are alright...I was worried sick about you damnit!"

He sighed,as he hugged Sun tighter...Sun was still confused...So... confused..why...was he back in the theater? Wasn't he in the daycare?...he looked at Moon with confusion and Empty eyes,as he asked...

Sun:"what happened?..."

There was silence for a moment,as Lunar then spoke

Lunar:"Sun...you..well....from what I-I have heard and seen...you fell asleep...and didn't wake up..you were crying in your sleep as well...me and Earth had left the theater once you and Moon were sleeping...but came back once Moon started yelling and screaming ..."

He explained,as he looked quite worried himself...same with Earth....she seemed really worried...

Earth:"Sun...are you okay?...did...you maybe ...have a nightmare?...Is that why you were crying..?"

She asked,as Sun still kept silent, thinking...A nightmare....that had to be it...

Sun:"I..I-I guess I had a nightmare..yeah..."

He mumbled,as he wiped the tears off his face, feeling the warmth of Moon's embrace...But...

Sun... didn't really.. felt any comfort...his 'heart' felt empty...and he was shaking a little...

Moon:"what...was happening...in the...you know... nightmare?..."

He asked with lots of worry and sadness,not liking the sight Infront of him...an shaking, crying Sun... who's gaze suddenly went cold..

Sun:"It... doesn't matter...just.."

He pushed Moon away,as he stood up...His pure white eyes had a spark of red now ..

Sun:"give me some time...to think.."

He mumbled,as he left the Theater...in pure silence... Everyone was shocked by this sudden change of attitude...Moon watched as Sun left,while Earth and Lunar looked at each other

Lunar:"h-huh?....what...what's wrong with him?...Why did he just... suddenly..."

He wouldn't finish his sentence... he didn't...really knew what to say at this point...He rarely saw Sun like this...

Earth:"I...I don't think he's fine...I-I feel....I feel like...this... nightmare....right? It...maybe has something to do with it?"

She said,but Moon would interfere before she could speak further

Moon:"Something is wrong in general..that... nightmare,is only apart of it...I mean... he's...been acting strange for a while now...I mean...He did glitch out completely that one time,and...uh..That one big panic attack he had? I'm sure it's all from the same....I don't know...It's all... connected!...somehow..."


Moon:"I also already knew something was up...a few days ago,i wanted to talk to him, because he was definitely hiding something...and... ...."

He suddenly stopped,as something got into his mind... realizing something...

Moon:"I just remembered... something...that one day,where I wanted to talk to Sun....I noticed something with the back of his head...his wires and such were moved an plugged in different then how they used to..be?..And i remember I fixed that,and then that... breakdown happened...i feel the connection again..."

There was silence for a moment,as everyone was worried for Sun,yet also confused..Earth felt really bad for Sun...She always wanted him to be okay...gave him therapy and such.... though, now that she thinks about it..Sun probably lied to her,and only told her a bit of his problems...Sun always kept things to himself....even though Moon told him that this was not good or healthy at all...

Moon:"We...need ...to talk to him...No matter what he says...okay? Because when I wanted to talk to him,he got mad at me and yelled...and then before i could talk to him,he hid from me and charged..before i could reach him...."

Lunar and Earth nodded... Agreeing...They had to talk to Sun..they care about him... and knew...knew.... something...

Was up....

Was Sun.... hiding something?...

Did something happen...to him?..

Who knows....

That's to find out now....

{I dearly apologize for this bad chapter,and I'm so sorry for the ones who Waited so long...I'm really stressed,and I didn't want to rush the story...though I already kinda did...I'm trying to make this...good and logical...but i hope you all like this anyway:> and thank you all for the support! I love reading those nice comments!}


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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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