~Sun's Nightmare~

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Hours have passed...

It was silent in the theater...


A noise came ...

And Sun woke up...


Sun:"hmmm ....uh-huh?.."

Sun slowly opened his eyes,his face filled with confusion...he sat up, and rubbed his eyes.... Looking around,he remembered what happened,and where he was...He looked around,now wondering where everyone was...He tried to remember and he tried to understand...then he noticed the blanket on him,and how the lights were mostly out..

Sun:"Huh...I fell asleep, didn't I?...Wasn't ...Moon with me though?..."

Sun looked around,but nothing changed from that..he was still Alone..

Or was he?..

Sun decided to stand up,his body in a weak and tired state... Shouldn't he feel better,since he had slept for probably hours? Didn't matter...he needed to find Moon...Just because..he can...

Calling out for him,Sun walked around the pizzaplex..He soon noticed that it was completely empty...It was kinda strange,but he just shrugged it off,since it's not impossible to happen...

He was also still tired,so he didn't think about anything much at the moment...

Sun:"Moon? MOOOOOOOON!? Mooooony???"

He yelled loudly,not caring if he would disturb anyone...No one was there anyway...which... slowly made him feel uneasy...and a little uncomfortable...

He did liked to be alone,yes...he liked the peace...but the thought of just randomly being alone in the whole pizzaplex...uff...that wasn't the best situation...but also not the worst...

He went to the daycare,which took ca 10 minutes,since he had to somehow move with those heavy legs,and generally heavy body...How much power did he had? 3%? Felt like it...He should check...but he couldn't...he had no connection to anything...He decided to just charge once he was in his room...

Sun:"How the duck do I get up there?? I don't wanna take the stairs...but the damn Teleporter isn't working...UGH....FUUUU-"

After his little breakdown,and after rethinking life for like 6 minutes,Sun put his strength together and went up the stairs, until he was finally upstairs in his and Moon's place ..He opened his door,and went inside, dropping onto his bed ...That is, until he heard the floor cracking...

Maybe he wasn't alone after all?

Maybe it was Moon...

Or Lunar...



Maybe even Ruin,who knows?

Sun stood back up from his bed,and went back out of his room... Looking around the little place,he saw a figure in the corner....


Sun mumbled...he felt like he was in danger....But....he didn't care...he stood there...and waited for an answer....





....it was scary..

The figure moved out of the corner...
It was...
Sun felt a little disappointed,but accepted it,and went towards Solar...

Sun:"Hey,Solar!....Do you know where everyone is?..."


Solar didn't answer...

Instead,he walked over to Sun,and slapped him hard across the face, making him tremble backwards...
Sun was shocked,as he didn't expect that at all...


Sun's voice went quiet....he was shocked,mad and sad ...he was also confused....He was this whole time....What was going on..?
Sun Waited for an reaction from Solar ..

Solar:"You do realize,that... Literally...No one...likes you...right?"

Sun stood quiet....did he hear Solar right?...No...Solar wouldn't say that... right?...no...or... would he?...Solar is often mean to Sun...And Sun would be lying if he said that it never hurt him...

But...this....was another level...


Sun muttered, looking at Solar,who then just pushed him down again..

Solar:"You heard me you mistake...No one likes you....we all...ALL...lied to you...."


Even Moon....

That made Sun's eyes widen even more.... What the heck?...Is this real?...No..It can't be...can it??...Moon likes him,right?..RIGHT?...
Sun started to question reality...This was way too much for him...

He wanted to say something back...He tried to stand up...But Solar took him by the neck,and grabbed his arm...

Sun:"W-what the-!?"

Before Sun could say anything,Solar twisted Sun's arm, making him scream loudly...Sun started tearing up,as he looked at his now broken arm....He couldn't even defend himself,as Solar already started to twist his other arm,this time slowly...Which was not better...at all...


But Solar didn't listen... Instead,he now quickly twisted Sun's other arm fully,and dropped him to the ground...Sun was groaning and crying in pain and shock...He tried to call for help,but every word he tried to say just got stuck in his throat....

He couldn't even stand up... everything hurt...his arms were broken...he was broken...
He was alone again...just more hurt this time..


He was on the floor for more then 5 minutes,but for him,it felt like hours...He was in pain,he was crying...he wanted to be with Moon....

Sun then passed out...he was so exhausted from all the crying...

He closed his eyes...

And let the pain and exhaustion take over...


Sun's villain arc(TSAMS AU)Where stories live. Discover now