- Chapter 4 -

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Next day, Damian's POV_

Thankfully, Bruce's speech ended faster than I thought yesterday. By the way explaining why I wanted to go patriot, we talked about the girl and we planed to go patriot together.

"Uhm... Tim and I can't go, sorry." Stephan said, looking inside her purple phone.

"K, bye." I said.

"Because we have to do our homework and we are in same cl..." Tim starts.

"That's fine. Bye." I said fast enough to shut his mouse and he glares a little.

I grin a little.

"Uh, I can't." Dick's voice came out of Cassandra's phone.

"I have to save my romance tonight, not the city. I'm dating with Kory." Cassandra nods and answers.

"Okay, Good luck."

The call ended.

"Guys, I'm sorry, I have to practice my ballet movements." Cassandra says, ending the call from Dick.

"Tomas is always studying and Harper is playing with her little brother." Babara murmurs.

"Tt.... Guess it's three of us." I said as I look at Bruce and Babara.

"I't will be enough." Batman says as he gestures us to follow.







Lucy's POV _






I'm used to this.

I'm used to this vibe.

It's horribly familiar.

A gang of organ traders.

Killed them all.

I mean, killing.

How many days has passed?

How long has it been since I threw myself into ACE chemicals?

Oh right.

It's only been three days.

"HAHA," I start laughing.

A pop song plays from my MP3 player, and I dance to the rhythm and beat as I hop to other corner.

I shoot again.


I hear a person screaming and feel a pain near my shoulder as if it's is on fire.


Oh, is it a bullet?

It's a bullet.

It hurts.

I laugh louder.

Smiling when it hurts.

It has already became a habit and a part of me for a long time.


Pink, mint, purple, and white...

No matter where I look, it is a feast of soft and cute colors.

DC - Lucy quinzel ㅣAnd Damian wayneㅣWhere stories live. Discover now