- Chapter 7 -

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Lucy's POV _






Damian's POV _

"WHAT?" I shout sincerely from the bottom of my heart.

Red robin and Spoiler, who came here after they heard the 'Goddess of fight' is caught, chokes at the sound of it and jerk their head to each other to check if they heard the same thing.

Only Orphan is the calm one, staring at the interrogation room's security camera monitor on the computer, showing Batman and the girl....who is calming us that her fake name is 'Luna'. Telling 'fake name'.... Not common. "Am I the one who lost my mind or Batman?" I murmur and Orphan laughs lightly at the sound of it.

"If you consider 'Asking the mad girl to our team' as..." She begins but Spoiler cuts her word.

"How about stopping the disaster before Batman tells his secret identity to the girl?"

I look at Orphan again who looks still calm and stable compared to us.

"Why aren't you having a 'seizure'...?" I ask, narrowly stopping myself from believing that Batman finally lost his mind.

"Well, I expected it. His mouse, tightly shut down -of course he is always like that but not this hard,- and he constantly moves his fingers or arms. You know, crossing them... like he is thinking something. But his eyes are not frowned. He rasied his eyebrows and middle of the forehead up sometimes and that means the thing he is thinking, it's not a bad thing. He's face is like that when two business partners offering good terms to us are competing with each other. Like, when it's pretty fine but needing a considering...."

I can't really understand at least a quarter of the her saying but I'm use to this.

The body language thing, normal people, I mean even dough I'm not a normal people... I bet except for nobody no one will never be able to understand or use it.

"Yea, like always.... Anyway, why did you let go of her and let her shatter your receiver?"

Orphan turns her head to face me and thinks for a sec.

"That's the problem." She murmurs under her breath.

Not like her, she is not the one who murmurs.

She will rather remains silent than murmuring something.

"Her moves, the spinning, it's not just annoying. It was distracting me. Her fight, it's different with all the other people. Completely random, not even herself was recognizing it like it's her second instinct. Like she is breathing irregularly every time. Her move is... artistry." She lowers her head for a short time and looks up again as she hears Tim's voice next to her.

"Guys? So what are we going to do?"

"I'm not agreeing with it, let's go stop him." I shout and move my body to the door.

Cassandra frowns but soon turns into her usual blank face.

She points at the monitor, showing the room's camera and raises up the computer's volume, looking at me and motioning to stop.

"I believe Batman. Let's see how this goes."







Lucy's POV _

DC - Lucy quinzel ㅣAnd Damian wayneㅣWhere stories live. Discover now