CH 6

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Director Shin's mouth twitched as he looked at the face of the guide inside the testing room.

'Look at this pitiful man...'

He looked through the glass, which was a two-way mirror, making the people inside the room oblivious to their actions.

The pitiful man sitting stiffly was an A-Class guide, specifically, he has been Yoo Ji-Ho's non-contact guide for the past year.

Before when guides were being tested for compatibility with Yoo Ji-Ho, he shot down almost every applicant based on his feeling alone. The man sitting opposite him now was the best among those applicants and is now burdened by becoming today's subject of experiment.

Yoo Ji-Ho who knew the importance of guiding and compatibility, usually did not complain while being guided. He is just specifically disgusted by contact guiding and have been avoiding it.

The guide was nervous and afraid of Yoo Ji-Ho, he has seen and felt many dangers ever since being his dedicated guide. But out of all of this, he is most afraid with the money sitting in his bank account as payment for his silence.

Even Shin Hyung-Chul who holds the title of director of the center was anxious about today's matter. What more for this timid guide.

Suddenly the door to the room opened and Yoo Ji-Ho entered, slightly startled by the dark glass in the room. He stared at the mirror and gave a sarcastic smirk.

― I'm not a fucking lab rat, damn it!

Everyone except Director Shin didn't hear the explicit phrase Yoo Ji-Ho said. As if he made sure only Shin Hyung-Chul would hear and feel threatened.


Director Shin suddenly felt nauseous, he grabbed his stomach and shouted.

"Dr. Na! Dr. Na! Where are you? Let's start the session right away!"

 This couldn't be postponed any longer. Yoo Ji-Ho's first step towards contact guiding! Director Shin's eyes sparkled with both excitement and nervousness.

Yoo Ji-Ho's mood was bad as usual, still it wasn't until he stepped into the testing room and saw the mirror that he felt this way. The feeling of being watched like a lab rat was not a pleasant feeling, even though he already expected that this would happen.

Finally, he lowered his gaze from the mirror and stared at the guide sitting at the chair opposite of him. 

'Ah, I remember. Haven't I met this guy a few times for my guiding sessions? Come to think of it, has it only been this person guiding me for the past few times? Ah, whatever, I can't remember.'

The guide was startled the moment their eyes met, and he lowered down his head.

"N-nice to meet you."


Usually, during non-contact guiding, he would lay down and close his eyes while connected to a machine and let the guides do their thing. With this, he doesn't have to face the person guiding him.

Right now, in a closed room, where he is forced to look at the guide and be in close proximity, it makes him very uncomfortable. But at least, the guide is familiar to him.

The guide sat in a chair with a square table in front of him, and Yoo Ji-Ho sat on the opposite side of the table, keeping his eyes on the guide.

"We'll help you set up."

When he settled down, two researchers came into the room together and moved around Yoo Ji-Ho busily.

"Can you lift up your sleeves a bit please?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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