🌈 Chapter 23 ~ Reality 🌈

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Julie's Pov:

As Walden towered over me and Sally, His robotic arm reaches forward and gets a tight grasp on Sally's neck as he lifts her up, strangling her. Sally gags loudly, and her legs flail around, kicking rapidly in the hopes of hitting Walden. Y/N leaps at me, Our hands collide as I restrain them from attacking me, My eyes quickly dart around for something that could help me in this situation, I spot the monitors, "Sorry Y/N for this.. or if you're still Y/N?.." I throw them to the ground and run over to the monitors, I grab the corners of one of the screens and rip it out.

I turned back to Y/N and slam the monitor on the side of their head, not too hard, but it still knocked them out, They fell to the ground like a rag doll, and I look back to the monitor in my hands, It had some of Y/Ns blood on it, But the monitor still had afew more uses. I turned to Walden, ran up behind him, and slammed the monitor over his head, making him drop Sally, but he wasn't knocked out, The middle of the monitor was destroyed but his head was sticking out of it, his strong arms grabbing both sides of the monitor Stuck around his neck and pulling outwards ripping the monitor in half and freeing his neck.

Both me and Sally, make a run for it out of the control room and back down the many halls we went through previously, We ran back into the destroyed factory where still some subjects were loose killing employees, and we make a run for it to the stairs. We jump down 2 flights of stairs, and we get onto the first floor, We sprint to the break room and begin banging on the door, "LET US IN!" Sally screeches, Barnaby most likely hear Sally's complaining and opened the door, We both dash in and lock the door behind us, We see Howdy chilling in the corner of the break room on his phone, Seriously?.

Frank is asleep on Eddie, Frank looks rather tired, Poppy was organising and seeing what medical items she had left in a med kit, And Barnaby was obviously the one who opened the door for us, "Don't trust Walden." I state to everyone, "what? Why not?" Poppy askes, "So basically, there's a computer chip sending frequency waves through Y/N's brain, making them evil, And Y/N has planted one on Walden so now he's evil aswell, is the easier way to explain it" I explain quickly, Everyone's heads turns towards me (except Frank's) Once telling them what was happening, Multiple vibration sounds are heard instantly, Everyone looks down at their pockets down to their radios.

Their radios echo in sync with everyone else's in the factory, "You all can come out now, we have contained the experiments!" Walden cheers happily from the other side of all the radios, We hear multiple doors open through the factory, then leading with screaming, and then silence once more. "I guess that's why we don't trust him," Howdy states and continues scrolling on his phone, "duh no shit, Julie literally explained what happened." Barnaby says, He was really fed up with all of this. I groan and put my hand on my head, running my fingers through my hair, "what are we going to do.. the strongest and smartest people in the factory are now brain rotting slaves to a scheme that Waldens family has started." I grunt, "I'm smart too! Maybe even smarter than Y/N!" Sally states proudly, putting her hands on her hips.

"Sally. You are the opposite of smart. you're the one to set off the booby traps!" I explain. She chuckles, "Don't be like that, Sally.." Barnaby face palms himself, "Fine, I might not be smart, but I do know one thing!" Before I can respond, Sally gets up on a table and announces,"WE NEED TO REBEL AGAINST THE ZOMBIES! GET WEAPONS! WE ARE GETTING OUR FRIENDS BACK IF IT'S THE LAST THING WE DO!" My eye brows raise, I didn't know Sally had leadership skills but her saying that got everyone motivated almost immediately, Poppy gathers the medkit, Barnaby makes a somewhat giant sword out of broken mugs and glue that was laying around the break room, Sally and I grabbed sharp broken plates.

Eddie quickly woke up Frank, but in his weakened state, Frank and Eddie grabbed broken chair legs, and lastly, Howdy, He used his four arms and picked up one of the crappy break room table just as a big bat. We all slowly creep outside the room, and Howdy bats away little experiments attempting to attack us, We all manage to make our way into the grinder room, where we were searching for Y/N and Walden, where it was pretty successful the moment we entered. We immediately saw two looming shadows on a higher platform above the grinder, then they step forward out the shadows, revealing Walden and Y/N, But in new outfits, They both had suit's on but they were both dark navy, There they stood. With big grins on their face but lifeless eyes..


Y/Ns pov:

Me and Walden sit in the mind scape as I lay my head on his lap as we just ponder, a thought comes across my mind and I sit up and look at Walden, "Wally?" I ask, "Yeah Y/N?" He responds, "How come most of your family's names start with the letter W?" I question, "My father was a selfish bastard and was to lazy to name his children, plus he wanted to name us after him anyway" Walden groans.

(A/N: HII YES IM STILL ALIVE, sorry I haven't been posting, all I got to say is, no motivation + school 🤷‍♀️
Words: 1009)

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