Chapter 2- First Day Of School

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The next day, I got ready for school. Her mom drove her to school and dropped her off in front. She walked in with her service dog on a harness. She went to the main office to get her class schedule. And she got her schedule as well as accommodations.


1.) To sit up in the front of the class.
2.) Using technology to take notes and to use to read notes.
3.) Quiet place to take tests.
4.) Use peers to help with note-taking.

I went to my locker to put away some extra folders, pencils, and pens. When I closed my locker, I went  Shadow just stared at me. I looked at him and smiled. Looked back up and smacked into a boy. I fell and he fell. His friend helped him up. She came to me. She looked at me. I saw her blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I looked at him and nodded.

"Here, I can help you up," She said.

She handed me back my books.

"What up, dog?" The boy jokes.

The girl facepalms. I giggled at him. He ruffles my hair.

"What's your name, kid?" He asks.

"Allie," I said.

"I'm April. You met Casey," April smiled.

I hugged her. She was taken aback by the hug, but she took it. Shadow was wagging his tail as he licked Casey's hand.

"Can I pet your dog?" Casey asked.

"Yes, you can. His name is Shadow. But you should never pet a service dog or kitty without the handler's permission," I advised.

Casey nodded. He lets Shadow smell his hand. Shadow accepts his invitation to pet him.

"You're a good boy," Casey smiled.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you here before," April ponders.

"Yeah, I just moved here with my mom," I smiled.

We went to our first class art. It was my best subject in school. We had to draw our favorite things. I drew a chameleon. I drew a picture of my chameleon ramen.

I jumped for joy. Casey was laughing at me. My teacher says my drawing.

"It seems we have a young Picasso in class. Good job, Allie," Mrs. Jessie compliments.

"Thank you," I smiled.

April put her arm around me. Casey ruffles my blonde hair.

We left for the gym next class. I was excited. He told us today was gymnastics. We had to learn how to stretch our bodies. April could do cartwheels and a partial backflip. Casey was flexible, but he was able to do an awesome backflip. He could also jump very high. My teacher told me I did not have to participate. But I wanted to.

"Shadow, sit, stay," I commanded.

I did a front handspring, cartwheel, a backhand spring, and ended with a back tuck.

"Way to go, Allie. Seems we have a real athlete in the class. Looks like you have some competition, Casey," Mrs. Olive compliments.

I beamed with pride.

Casey ruffles my blonde hair. I did a celebratory twirl. April hugged me.

"I like you. Do you wanna be friends?" April asked.

I nodded eagerly. All of a sudden, the school alarm went off. I could hear.

"Alien alert! Alien alert! This is not a drill! Please go to the alien safe rooms marked on the school grounds. Please do not leave school grounds!" The robotic alarm says.

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