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Y/n L/n has always been average.

Nothing really ever happened in her life. At least nothing too crazy. She grew up in a simple home, just on the bordering coast of Southpark. It was such an interesting town, almost ironically Y/n could've stuck out in the town by being the contrary.

But she didn't.

It was just her and her father living in the modest house, her closest friends only consisted of two people.

Brimmy and Isla.

Now Y/n wasn't a complete loser, she still had a generous group. However Brimmy and Isla had stuck with her since the third grade, they had become inseparable since the day they met.

Y/n has always been grateful for the two, but one instance will always place top of the list when she thinks of good deeds the couple has done for her.

Joining the broadcasting course in high-school.

Freshman year Y/n found herself completely underwhelmed with the course selection, she only had two free electives and none of them were calling her name. That was until Brimmy had begged both her and Isla to do broadcasting with him.

Brimmy seemed pretty excited about it, he's always had a fascination with film, he paid deep attention to every movie and show he watched. Even to the most minor background details.

Isla, however, was rather reluctant on joining. The broadcasting program had clearly stated they would be in charge of filming all sports and extra curricular events, meaning the cameras attention would inevitably fall onto Heidi and Eric Cartman. One a cheerleader, the other a football player. You can take a guess on which is which. She has always had a personal vendetta against the two since elementary school. Ever since they had gotten together, her slips had gotten progressively worse. Each snarky insult would glide off her tongue, almost like a second language, her venom laced words disguised in smooth elegance.

After the nonstop harassment from her boyfriend Brimmy, she gave in and put the course on her request selection. Who knows, maybe she could catch a sick shot of Heidi making an ugly face or Cartman picking his nose. Unrealistic, but a girl could hope.

Thus left Y/n to be the only one left to decide. It was a no brain-er given she didn't want to go into high-school completely alone and without a shot of having a class with her two best friends. So she joined as well.

Now her senior year, she could say it was the best decision of her life. She found a deep passion for broadcasting, and it seemed to turn into her favor as she was exceptionally well in it. Almost like in a cliche trope, she was a star. A self proclaimed professional, so much as to even her teacher would smile in admiration at the teen's work.

All thanks to her two best friends.

Woohoo first chapter officially done!!!

To clear up any confusion, Brimmy and Isla are very minor background characters. Like... VERY minor lol. Brimmy didn't even have a name on wiki until 2014.
Along with that, Y/n will NOT be one of those girls who hates Wendy and the girls, worry not. Nearly all Isla's features have negative interactions with Heidi and Cartman, so obviously I will include any piece of canon personality I can from these two given how minor they are. At least I'll get some creative freedom with them :)

Honestly, I plan to make all of Y/n's friends background characters, I think it'll add to her plain-ness. I hope you guys don't mind her being a plain Jane, I'm tired of fanfics where Y/n is a wild girl who lives a double life. Nothing wrong with that of course, but I want to be a wee bit realistic<3

Don't worry though, Y/n still got that cute charm. You little cuties. Everyone loves her.

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