Skin And Bones - David Kushner

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It has been a week since that infuriating man moved into the hotel. I hated having to see him so often. I sat at the dining table and hummed as I sipped on a fresh mug of black coffee. Lucifer walked down the stairs with Charlie. A genuine smile was plastered to his face as he looked up at his beloved daughter. His expression turned sour as his red eyes landed on mine, the reaction sent an unexpected pang to my heart. I didn't know why, but I certainly didn't want him to look at me as if I were nothing but scum on the bottom of his shoe. I simply swallowed the painful feeling and held my head high.

"Good morning, Lucifer."

The fallen angel nodded in acknowledgment.

"Good morning, Alastor."

I rose from my seat and headed towards my radio tower.


I watched as the radio demon quickly left his seat. I shrugged it off and sat beside Charlie. Her smile was my one and only reason to live. I enjoyed her company so much, and I was so proud of the person she had grown to be.

I was sitting on the kitchen floor with a bottle of red wine. Everyone had fallen asleep, but having to see Lilith every night before I slept without her being in my arms was torture. I wouldn't tell that to Charlie, though. She had worked so hard for all this, and if I complained about our family portrait being in his room, I feared that she would see me as ungrateful. I closed my eyes and felt the crimson liquid run down my throat. I sighed, and when I opened my eyes, I was met with the sight of Alastor. He stood there for a moment with an almost pitiful look on his face. He sat beside me as a bottle of rye whiskey appeared in his own hand.

"...what? Aren't you going to tell me to stop drinking?"


".. why not?"

"That smile that you always share tells me all I need to know."

I nodded in acknowledgment at his words. We remained silent for a while as we drank beside each other.


About 30 minutes into us drinking, I felt Lucifer lay his head on my shoulder. My ear flicked as my cheeks flushed. I slowly turned to look at the king.

"Sometimes it's hard to live on without Lilith. I must have done something to scare her off... why couldn't I be perfect?"

I sat in silence for a moment as I processed his words. My heart sunk, and my ears flattened.

"Nobody can be perfect. Not even an angel."

Lucifer's head nodded, and he took a long sip of his drink. I let my eyes wander over his features. His brow was furrowed with sorrow as he clearly went through old memories. I gently grasped his chin and brought his gaze to meet mine.

"Perfection may not exist, but if it did, you would be the closest thing to it."

Lucifer's breathing hitched, and his eyes darted to my lips. I gasped as suddenly he suddenly grabbed my shirt and crashed our lips together. I knew that this was wrong. That he was seeking solace, and I shouldn't let him find it in me. But I couldn't let myself let the moment go. My hand slowly cupped his cheek and tugged his lip between my teeth. Lucifer slipped into my lap, and I grabbed his hips. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.

"I should get you back to your room."

I reluctantly muttered as I took his hand and stood up.


"This was wrong, Lucifer."

He stared at me with hatred burning in those red eyes of his before storming up the stairs. Good. He should hate me. I can't imagine a world where anyone- demon or sinner- would care for me. I am not someone that can be loved. Hurt people hurt people. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt him.

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