Achilles Come Down - Gang Of Youths

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I sat on the sofa as I listened to the radio and hummed along. I tensed up as I felt Lucifer sit beside me.



There was a moment of silence.

"Would you care to join me for drinks later?"

I chuckled at the offer.

"I believe that would be splendid, my good sir! Shall we meet atop the roof?"

I asked. I had always been nervous. Thinking about the first time we had drinks together. How he tasted.. he probably didn't remember. And I thank whatever God there may be for that. I enjoy this... friendship we have.

"Sure, Alastor."

"I shall meet you at seven, your- Lucifer."

Lucifer's smile broke across his face, and my heart nearly stilled. I assumed that I was just happy to see my newest friend's joyful face.

The hours passed like years. Why was I suddenly feeling so ill at the thought of casually sharing a drink with him? I held the small gift I had made for him in my palm. It was just a duck themed brooch. I walked up towards the rooftop. I felt like time was moving in slow motion. I tried to remember my mother's words, but her voice was now too distant of a memory.

I walked up to the rooftop, and Lucifer wasn't there. I assumed he was running late, so I poured two glasses of rye whiskey and sat on the edge of the rooftop. I watched as the world darkened. I looked around. Still no sign of Lucifer. I sighed and swirled my drink.

I watched as more and more time passed. My ears had begun to slowly sink back.. I had a feeling that he wasn't coming. I shook away that feeling because he wouldn't do that. Yet, as more time passed, that sliver of hope disappeared. It was most likely around one in the morning. I lifted the bottle to pour myself a new glass only to find the bottle empty. I stared at the gift and angrily threw it as far as I could. I could hear it hit somewhere in Pentagram City. I stood up and ran my fingers through my hair before leaving. I stormed down the halls and out the door.

I walked into Cannibal Town.. seeking comfort from my dearest friend Rosie. I knocked on the emporium door. Once, twice, three times. I raised my fist to knock a fourth time before the door swung open.

"What in Satan's devilish heart could ya possibly need at- Alasta?"

"Rosie... I apologize for coming to you so early this morning... I need help with a situation I find quite distressful."

Rosie nodded and allowed me in.

"Come now, Alasta. Sit, sit. Tell me what's wrong, my dear."

I took a seat beside her, and my permanent smile remained, but my ears drooped.

"I have become... quite fond of a man I had recently believed that I hated. He is quite a dear... friend? To me. I don't quite know the word. But, it is not the same feeling as when I am with you. He is... my chest grows tight, and my smile feels more genuine when I think of or am around him... he makes me feel all warm and soft. I enjoy his company, and I don't think I could ever tire of his presence. We had plans to have a drink earlier today- er... yesterday upon the hotel roof. But he never appeared. I felt so angry, and now I just feel helpless. I do not understand why I feel like this."

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