Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown

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I was sitting with the hotelgoers. Charlie, Maggie, Husk, and Angel. They were all very lovely... I was telling them all stories of heaven and the garden... and of Lilith. And my stories of Lilith were wondrous.

".. Lilith had this... glow to her. She looked at me, and my heart nearly stopped. I was certain that she was something more than just a human. She was... she was everything. Her voice, her laugh, the way her eyes lit up when I would visit her, the way her smile was nearly blinding. Her blonde hair was so soft. Softer than anything you can find..."

I explained. Charlie had heard this story a thousand times and would hear it a few thousand more. Maggie and the others were awestruck. I felt proud. Maybe if I could have tried harder... Lilith wouldn't have left.


I watched from the shadows as Lucifer explained his life. When he began his long speech about Lilith... my chest felt tight. My throat ached. I didn't know why. I didn't enjoy hearing her name fall from his lips. It was like a sea of emotion that I had buried away was crawling back into my mind. I had this urge to cry. This urge to curl up in a bed and never leave. I shook off the feeling and walked over.

"Lucifer! How are you feeling this hellish evening?"

He suspiciously eyed me.

"I feel fine, Alastor."


I showed off my usual toothy smile, and then Lucifer softly chuckled. My entire being froze at the sound, and I looked at him.

"Alastor, you are a strange one."

I didn't know what to think of that. I felt my face heat up. The room was uncomfortable.. I simply disappeared. I wanted to be alone.


I looked at where the radio demon had just disappeared. Had I made him uncomfortable? Maybe he's allergic to kindness. Or compliments. Quite possibly both. I simply shrugged and turned back to the others.

The next morning, I sat at the kitchen counter and was eating some wonderful strawberry pancakes that Alastor had made.

"Alastor! These are... surprisingly good. Who taught you to cook so well?"

"Ah, that would have been my lovely mother. She was quite the woman!"

"Really? Tell me more about her.."

"... She was... She was a wonderful woman. Mother. A wonderful mother. She had slightly darker skin than my own, and her eyes looked like the darkest of nights but somehow always lit up when I entered the room. See, my father wasn't around, and my mother raised me to be respectful of women. She always told me that a woman will go through more than any man can comprehend and that I should respect them just as I respect her. Her favorite thing to do was cook and sing... and bandage my scraped knees. When I was a boy, I wasn't... very accepted in my neighborhood. I always would come home with some type of injury, and she would patch it right up before fixing me a small snack.."

Alastor rambled and then stopped as if he realized he had spoken for too long.

"Either way, she was a good woman."

He really.. doesn't know how to open up without feeling bad. I pity him. He really seems to love his mother, though. It was... sweet. Since I don't have a mother, it's nice to hear him speak of her.

"Keep going. I enjoy listening."

"No. That's quite alright, your majesty."

I sighed and shook my head.


I refuse to be... vulnerable with the king of hell. My mother is- was very dear to me. I was snapped out of my thoughts by an... oddly warm embrace that wrapped around my waist. I looked down at Lucifer.

"... What are you doing."

"It's called a hug, Alastor."

"I know that. But why are you hugging me."

"In hopes that you will grow comfortable enough with me to return the hug one day."

I sat there in silence as I watched the short angel leave. A warm feeling was blossoming in my chest and... it felt weird. I didn't like it. I felt lightheaded... maybe I should lay down.

I was sitting on the rooftop. Drinking a glass of whiskey. My thoughts are... jumbled up. My heart feels... my heart feels. I ignored it. Pushed the feeling down. Suddenly, a hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up from my seat to meet Lucifer's warm gaze.

"May I join you?"

".. yes."

We sat beside each other and shared drinks. All of a sudden, a soft chuckle broke the silence.

"Hey, Alastor?"


"What is a ducks favorite drug..?"

"... what is it..?"


There was silence for a moment as I processed the joke. A sudden chuckle escaped me. The joke was so bad that it was good. Lucifer softly laughed with me. After a few seconds I cleared my throat.

"Why did the cyclops close his school?"

"Oh god... why?"

"He only had one pupil!"

I watched as Lucifer's eyes shut when he laughed. How his lips slightly twitched up into a smile. How he looked at me... were his eyes always that shade of red?

"That was a good one, Alastor."

I felt myself nod. He was... he was just... I don't know. He was so spectacular in the evening sunlight. I didn't mind his bothersome presence.

"Yeah... yours was quite swell as well."

"Hah... that rhymed."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes before turning back to the sunset. I sat with the other man in silence for a bit while watching the colors before standing up and dusting myself off.

"Goodnight, your maj-"

"Lucifer. Just call me Lucifer."

".. Goodnight, Lucifer."

I smiled and walked off before I returned to my room. I felt quite comfortable with how my day had ended. I stepped into my hotel room and softly smiled as I found myself remembering my time with that oh so infuriating king of hell.

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