Chapter 1 - Who's Gonna Bring The Dinner?

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Nathan, Vincent, Scott and Ryla are travelling to their cabin in the woods for the annual tradition. Uncle Jameson seems to be the only one who is excited, he's singing along to the radio while drinking his beer.

(One thing about Uncle Jameson is that he loves to drink)

After the demise of their parents, Nathan(19), Vincent(16), Scott(14) and Ryla(9) started living with their Uncle Jameson who works as a banker in Bank of Losheda which is situated in Losheda. It's been 5 years since the kids lost their beloved parents but Uncle Jameson is taking good care of them.
Kids are settled in their lives in the small town of Losheda..they go to school, Nathan even works part time in a diner as a waiter, Vincent's head is always buried in the books and  crushing on straight guys in his school, Scott loves football and ... Well that's it, he LOVES football, Ryla is autistic and spends most of her time alone even when she's at school.

(From the surface, everything seems fine ..isn't it?)

In the first week of December every year, Uncle Jameson takes his nephews and niece to the cabin in the deep dark woods located in the outskirts of Losheda for the extravagant annual dinner. Now the question arises, who's gonna bring the dinner to the cabin this time?
Nathan and Vincent already fetched last time so now logically it's Scott's turn, But he is having second thoughts about Uncle Jameson's twisted tradition.
Scott musters up the courage and tells the uncle who's still driving towards the cabin -

Scott - "Uncle what if I sit down for this one?"
Uncle Jameson - "sit down for what scotty!?"
Scott - " I mean Nathan already has experience of working in a diner .. he knows how to bring dinner to the table right?"
Uncle Jameson - " Scotty if that was your attempt at humor, make it your last..also you didn't answer my question, SIT DOWN FOR WHAT!!!?"
Scott - "Uhmm for the hun... hunt..hunting".
Uncle Jameson - "But it's your turn Scott wheeler and it's not your first time it? You've gone once for the hun...hunt..hunting".
Scott - "yes, but I was wondering if it's right to kill someone for your pleasure?"
Uncle Jameson - "you could've phrased it better....kill "someone" or kill "humans" huh scotty? Because I've seen you eating animal meat countless times and not a single time your sense of morality came in between".
Scott - "yes, but.."
Uncle Jameson - "but what? It's different when it comes to hunting down humans, cutting them down in pieces and cooking them right? haha..right".
Nathan - "Scott, how do you differentiate between who deserves to live and who deserves to die and who deserves to be eaten? Your principles and your morals are filled with hypocrisy but Uncle Jameson.. he's not like that ..he treats everyone equally and he respects family traditions".
Vincent - " yeah traditions which made our father commit suicide..right Nathan"?
Ryla - "don't forget before committing suicide, daddy killed mom too".
Vincent - " Yes exactly ..thanks Ryla".
Ryla - "your welcome vinny".

Uncle Jameson who has finished his fourth can of beer and is not paying much heed to the conversation stops the car right outside the cabin and commands Scott to step out of the car but tells the other kids to remain seated. Vincent holds Scott's hand as he reaches towards the handle and asks uncle -

Vincent - "Uncle Can I go with Scott this time.."?
Uncle Jameson - "ohhh of course.. but... only on one condition!".
Vincent - "What?"
Uncle Jameson - "Bring Two"

.................................(to be continued)

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