Chapter 4

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Around 1:00 in the afternoon on Saturday, Max got a call from Andreas. He had wanted to know the directions to his house.
“Hey Max, where do you live? I found my guitar after you left on Wednesday, if you still wanna play.”
“Oh! Uh, hold on- Igor, do you know our zip code?” Max called for his brother, who was sitting on their couch in the living room. Igor told him, and Max repeated it into the phone.
“Thanks, I know where that area is. Be over in about 15 minutes, if that’s good with you,” Andreas said. Max pressed his lips together, nodding his head.
“Okay, see you then.”
After they were done talking, Max hung up the phone. Igor stared at him, seeming somewhat amused.
“Y’know, this is the first time I’m gonna be meeting your boyfriend. Is he hot?” he grinned, and Max rolled his eyes.
“Shut up. Of course he’s hot. Paulo still coming too?”
“Yeah, I assume he’ll be a little late, since he always is. You know how he likes to sleep in.” Igor smiled, thinking about his own significant other.
About 20 minutes later, Max heard a knock at the door. He opened it to find Andreas standing on the front porch, guitar case in hand. He tipped his cap, which was turned backwards on his head.
“Sorry I was late, I had to stop and pick up guitar picks. I’m sure you know it kinda hurts to pluck with your fingers.” Andreas smiled sheepishly.
“It’s fine, no worries. Me and my brother were just setting up. His boyfriend should be over soon. Wanna come inside?” Max held his arm out to invite Andreas into the house. As Max closed the door behind them, Igor gave a wave.
“Damn, Max was right. You are hot,” he said, glee in his expression. Andreas blushed, and Max looked embarrassed.
“Sorry, he wasn’t supposed to tell you I told him that.” Max felt his own face getting hot upon hearing Andreas laugh.
“It’s fine. Believe it or not, I find you kinda hot too.” He smiled, patting Max on the back. Max bit his lip at the compliment, shaking a little. Sometimes he had a hard time believing Andreas actually found him attractive, but unstable self-esteem could have that effect.
“Anyways, nice to meet you. Andreas, right? I’m Igor, Max’s big brother.” Igor stifled a giggle as Max whipped his head around to look at him.
“You’re not older than me!” he squawked, light-heartedly glaring at Igor. Andreas started to laugh, obviously entertained by the conversation.
“Fucker. Here, garage is this way. It’s where we practice.” Max said, pointing towards the side door
Max showed Andreas to the garage where their instruments and equipment were set up. Andreas was busy plugging his guitar in to one of the extra amps when Igor and Paulo walked in together.
“So, this is your new boyfriend?” Paulo asked Max. “He looks kinda like a hippie.”
“Must be from my parents,” said Andreas. “They definitely fit the bill. I assume you must be Igor’s boyfriend?”
“Last time I checked, I was. Good to meet you, name’s Paulo,” Paulo held out his hand for Andreas to shake.
“Andreas.” They shook hands, and Paulo went to set up his bass.
Max thought about Andreas staring at his back the whole time they played. When he turned around, he saw Andreas quickly avert his eyes.
“Caught you,” he said, grinning and biting his lip.
“Fine, I’m guilty. What are you gonna do about it?” Andreas asked, egging him on for a reaction. Max sauntered over and kissed him.
“Ugh, gross,” whined Igor. Max looked over at him, unimpressed with the complaint
“Can it, I’ve had to watch you and Paulo make out for three years now. I’m allowed to smooch my boyfriend in your vicinity.”
Igor sighed. “Fine, fair point.”
They played for about two hours before calling it a day. Igor had decided to walk back to Paulo’s house with him, leaving Andreas and Max to their own devices for a few minutes.
“You uh- you wanna smoke some grass?” Max asked, fidgeting slightly. He didn’t know why he felt nervous. It wasn’t like him and Andreas hadn’t been alone before.
“Sure,” answered Andreas. “Do you wanna wait until your brother gets back?”
“Nah, we can start without him. That’s probably what him and Paulo are doing right now anyways.”
They put on ‘Dog Man Star’ by Suede and sat on the couch, taking turns passing a blunt. Max found himself in a position of oversharing.
“You know, sometimes I wonder if I should have dropped out of school. I wasn’t really a smart kid, but I do wish I could do simple math without a calculator. You know sometimes I still have to type in what 2+2 is?”
Andreas nodded, taking a puff and passing the blunt back over to Max. “If it makes you feel better, math was never my strong suit either. I only had an 80 in calculus back then.”
Max laughed, but it was only half-genuine. “I had a 67, you’re practically a fucking mathematician compared to me. I know I’d probably be stupid even if I didn’t graduate, but who knows? Maybe I could’ve improved.”
Andreas had a suddenly serious look on his face. “Max, you’re not stupid, I promise. Most of what they teach in school is useless anyways.”
Max stared at him, eyes red but nonetheless grateful for the reassurance. “Thanks Andreas, I really appreciate it.”
Andreas placed his hand his shoulder and squeezed, causing Max to release the tension in his body. They stared at the wall and continued to smoke the blunt down about three quarters of the way before Andreas stubbed it out on the concrete.
“Hey, there was still weed in that!” Max cried, thoroughly buzzed as a bee.
“We were gonna start burning our fingers if we kept smoking it, it was better to put it out.” Andreas shrugged and tossed the remaining portion of the blunt into the trash can.
“I don’t mind pain,” Max said, eyeing Andreas with a curious gleam. Andreas raised his eyebrow.
“Are you telling me you’re a masochist?” He was also high and in the mood to inquire. Max flicked his tongue over his bottom lip.
“Maybe I’m telling you that. Or maybe that’s just what you wanted to hear.”
“Are you implying that I’m kinky?” Andreas asked, faking an incredulous tone. Max started to giggle.
“Maybe.” He stretched the word out, pursing his lips and placing a peck on Andreas’ lips. “I wouldn’t mind if you were, you know.”
“Oh? Have you thought about it before?” Andreas knew he was pinning Max in a tight spot, and started to laugh as he blushed and stuttered.
“I- N-no, I haven’t.”
Getting a look from Andreas that said he was unconvinced, Max admitted the truth. “Fine, I have. You happy now?”
“I’m thrilled.” Andreas lightly pinched Max’s cheek. “Do you have any food?”
Max was able to go for something to eat, munchies be damned. “Yeah, we do. Do you wanna go inside and raid the pantry with me?”
“You’re a fucking mind reader. Show me the way, Maxaroni.” Andreas said, snorting as Max cringed.
“Ugh, that sounds like something my mama would call me. Let’s go inside, I think I might even still have some leftover chocolate stashed in my room.”
They headed upstairs, Max digging under his bed for boxes where he kept the chocolate. As he looked, Andreas eyed the Manic Street Preachers poster on his wall.
“Do you think Richey Edwards is really dead?” he asked, shuffling his feet.
“No, but a lot of people think I’m crazy for that. I always assumed he moved to some remote place in Asia somewhere. He’s probably farming and selling crops nowadays. Oh, found it!”
Max pulled a cardboard box out from under his bed and opened it. Andreas sat down on the bed and Max handed him a chocolate bar. He got up off the floor and accidentally stubbed his toe on the bedframe.
“Ow! Shit, that hurt,” he bitched. Andreas gave an expression of sympathy.
“Aww, want me to kiss it better?” Andreas pouted his lips and kissed his hand, fluttering his eyelashes in Max’s direction. Max gave a lopsided smile and sat down on the bed with another chocolate bar.
They ate through about half of Max’s stash before calling it quits. Max was laid out horizontally across the mattress, hand rubbing his stomach.
“I think we ate too much, damn dude.” He grimaced as Andreas moved his hand away and replaced it with his own.
“Do you feel sick?” Andreas asked, rubbing Max’s abdomen.
“Not too much. Just full,” Max replied, gently flopping his head back. Andreas started to giggle, and he forced his head back up. “You’re not laughing at my weight, are you?” he asked, noticeably a bit paranoid. Andreas looked at him like he was crazy.
“What? No, why would I do that?” Andreas’ question was genuine. Regardless, Max looked down at his stomach in a self-conscious frenzy.
“I’m kinda fat. You would know, you’ve seen my thighs before,” he answered, swallowing a lump in his throat.
“Yes, I have, and they’re beautiful just like the rest of you. Here-” Andreas leaned down, lifting up Max’s shirt and giving his belly a kiss. Max threw his head back, scrunching his eyes closed and gritting his teeth. He felt a flood of shame and self-pity wash over him. That was until he felt Andreas start to suck on his navel.
“Oh my God, stop it!” He squeaked, starting to laugh. He smacked Andreas’ head to make him get off.
“I was laughing because you’re cute, by the way,” Andreas admitted, pulling Max up into a kiss. He held him as their lips moved against each other, gripping a hand in his hair. When they broke apart, Max smiled at him.
“Thanks, that really made me feel better,” he said, staring into Andreas’ eyes and feeling utmost affection for his boyfriend.
Vania got home later that day with Chinese takeout after Max and Andreas had sobered up. She greeted Andreas when she saw him.
“Hello again, Andreas. Max has told me a lot about you.” She grinned at her son, and Max shot her a look.
“Mama, don’t embarrass me.”
“Oh, you worry too much. Is Igor over at Paulo’s?” Vania asked, setting the food on the kitchen table.
“Pretty sure he is. What did you get?” Max eyed the bags hungrily, eyes wide in anticipation of eating.
“I got a few containers of various dishes and some eggrolls. You boys hungry?”
They sat down and ate, with Vania practically interviewing Andreas for answers about his life. As they talked, Max played footsie with him from under the table.
“Your parents are biologists from Europe? That’s fascinating! I assume they migrated here because of the Amazon?” Vania asked, sipping her glass of wine. Andreas nodded.
“They studied giant river otters. Those things are surprisingly mean. My mama calls them ‘river wolves,’” Andreas said, passing another eggroll to Max. “You want some more duck sauce?”
“Sure. I think there’s more in the bottom of the bag, I can dig it out.” Max reached in for the duck sauce and pulled out the remaining packets. They continued to eat, Vania and Andreas both conversing about how they were involved in Max’s life.
“Did Andreas tell you he practices witchcraft?” Max asked, trying to engage in the discussion.
“No, he didn’t. What’s that like?” Vania seemed genuinely curious. Max looked over to see Andreas smiling keenly.
“You’re not uber-religious, are you? I work with a few demons.” Andreas looked excited to share more about his craft, but also a little nervous. Vania started to laugh.
“No, we went to Church back when Max and Igor’s father was around, but I wouldn’t consider us a prime example of Christians,” Vania said, cutting up a wonton in her soup with her spoon. Max tilted his head down, feeling a little less hungry as he chewed his eggroll.
After they were done, Vania went outside to water her flowers. Max quietly followed her out.
“Hey mama,” he said, sitting on the patio bench.
“Hey sweetie. Everything okay?” Vania asked setting her pitcher down on their glass table.
“Yeah, it’s just-” Max remembered the conversation he had with Igor about their dad when he was feeling insecure. “Igor thinks dad would still be proud of me, despite everything. Y’know, having a boyfriend and all. What do you think?” He sucked his cheeks in, waiting for a response.
Vania sat down beside him on the bench, wrapping an arm around him tenderly. “Max, you know your father would still adore you if he were here today. You being attracted to a man would not change that. I was married to him for years, I would know.” She rubbed circles into Max’s back to comfort him. “Do you believe me?”
Max’s mouth was a little dry. Nodding slowly, he answered, “I do. Thank you.”
They embraced each other for a moment before Vania said, “Andreas is probably wondering where you got off to. We should head back inside.”
Right when they were outside the back door, Max asked an earnest question. “Do you like him? I know he’s a little different than we are, but he really tries.”
“Yes, I do. His family is richer than ours, but I guess that works out pretty well for you.” She grinned at Max, and he rolled his eyes, giving a small smile in return.
“Mind if he stays over for the night?”
Vania looked at him like she was suspicious of his motives. “Yes, he can. Just don’t be too rowdy after I fall asleep.”
“Thanks mama, we won’t” Max promised, and they went inside.
Max had told Andreas that he was allowed to sleep over at his place for the night. Andreas had called his parents and told them he would be back the next day. After Vania had gone to bed, they sat up in Max’s room, both bored. Luckily, Andreas had a suggestion.
“Wanna make out?”
Max wasn’t going to turn down the offer. He connected their lips, placing his hands in Andreas’ hair and pulling him down on top of him. He ended up with Andreas’ hands under his shirt, feeling up the sides of his torso. Suddenly, he squeaked as Andreas flicked a nipple.
Hormones of the young were surely capable of racing, and after a few seconds of Andreas touching the bud, Max felt the front of his jeans start to get tighter. He was almost too distracted to notice that Andreas’ bulge was pressing up against the one he himself was forming.
Andreas-” Max breathed, feeling his stomach twitch a little.
“Yeah?” Andreas asked, undressing him with his eyes.
“Touch me. Please.”
Andreas could tell that Max wasn’t going to take no for an answer (not that he would deny him). He had an idea, grinding against Max in the hopes of setting the mood further. Max gasped, bumping his hips up into the friction.
“Fuck, more-”
“Yeah?” Andreas pressed his lips to Max’s ear. “What do you want?”
Mmm- want you to fuck me,” said Max.
It took Andreas a second to register the words. Then, he asked, “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Max answered, confident as ever in his decision. He wanted Andreas to leave him a sobbing wreck on the sheets. Of course, they’d have to try and keep quiet, since Vania was sleeping down the hall from them.
Andreas took his cue to start undressing them. He noticed Max look a little apprehensive as he tugged at his shirt.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said, trying to give Max comfort. Max nervously bit his lip.
“You really meant what you said earlier? You think I’m beautiful?”
Andreas leaned down and cupped his cheek in his hand. Caressing it with his thumb, he replied, “Of course I did. You’re the most stunning person in the world to me, Max.”
Max smiled, bright and genuine. Andreas’ touch was warm against his skin, feverish from arousal. His shirt came off, with Andreas soon sitting up and pulling his own over his head.
“Get my clothes off, holy shit. Mama keeps Vaseline in the cabinet, we can use it as lube.” Max tapped Andreas’ shoulder to signal him to get up. “Be right back.”
Assuming Igor was staying over at Paulo’s for the night, Max dashed down the hallway and dug through the cabinets. When he grasped the halfway full container of Vaseline, he rushed back, almost sweating with excitement. He waved it in his hand to get Andreas’ attention, closing and locking the door behind him as he stepped back into his room.
Max crawled back onto Andreas, setting the Vaseline to the side. He grabbed his face and roughly kissed him, open mouthed and filthy. Andreas moaned into his mouth, sending a jolt through Max’s body. He grinned, pulling away.
“You want me to ride you?” he asked, taking a second to nip at Andreas’ ear. Andreas nodded fervently.
“Fuck, yeah. I assume you know to prep yourself first?”
“I’ve watched gay porn before, I know.” Max laughed at his own boldness. Just earlier that night he wouldn’t have told anyone that, and here he was about to get fucked by a man, enjoying every second of the ordeal. They got undressed all the way, Max getting back on top of Andreas’ body.
Andreas watched as Max prepared himself, grabbing his hips and holding him steady. Max grinded against his cock, curling his fingers in his ass to hit his prostate. He whined, face scrunching up from pleasure as he felt Andreas’ dick leak slightly underneath him. Shuffling down on the bed, he knew what he wanted to do next.
“Max, what are you- oh.” Andreas’ words were stopped abruptly by Max’s mouth on his cock, sinking him deeper and deeper into the back of his throat. He rested a hand in his partner’s hair, carefully guiding him on the length.
After a few minutes of oral stimulation, Andreas tapped Max’s shoulder with his other hand, signaling him to stop.
“I was gonna come if you kept doing that. Here, get back up on top of me. Wanna feel your ass.”
Max complied with the order, and crawled back up. He positioned Andreas’ cock to his hole and started to slide down, eyes wide from the shock of the stretch. Andreas chuckled a bit and held his hand.
“You really are big,” Max said, adjusting to Andreas being hilted inside him. Andreas squeezed his hand.
“Take as long as you need. I’ll be waiting when you’re ready.” His voice was kind, and Max bit his lip as he felt the length inside him twitch.
Ah- fuck, yeah, just give me a minute.” His eyelids fluttered, and he stared down at Andreas’ chest for a moment before steadying himself on his shoulders and beginning to rock his hips. His mouth fell open in silent sound, the pleasure already overwhelming his senses.
Max was wheezing from constant stimulation to his prostate as Andreas helped him move by placing his hands on his ass. Soon, he found himself burying his head in the crook of Andreas’ neck. Andreas had his arms wrapped around wrapped Max’s back as he started to thrust up into his heat, relishing his whines and soft cries.
“Good boy, good boy. You gonna be real good and come for me?” he asked, hand petting Max’s hair.
Andreas,” Max moaned, broken and close to climax. A few seconds later, Andreas pulled him into a long kiss, and he was spurting onto their stomachs, mouth open in orgasmic bliss. Andreas stuck his tongue in his mouth as he came inside him in return, the clenching of muscles too much for his cock to bear. Max panted, pulling away and resting his head back down on the pillow, facing Andreas’ neck.
“Damn, that was good,” he said, coming down from his high. Andreas still had a hand on his back, with the other one reaching over to pet Max’s soft, wavy hair.
“Yeah.” Andreas stared up at the ceiling, feeling a little nervous. “Max?”
“I-” Taking one last final pause, Andreas said, “I think I love you a little.”
The only sound in the room was their steady breathing. Then, Max responded to the statement.
“I think I love you a little bit too.” They didn’t say anything after that, instead opting to fall asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning, Andreas was getting ready to go back home, Igor still over at Paulo’s after presumably staying the night there. As they were at the door, Max remembered something he was keeping.
“I’ll be right back, I have to go get something,” he said, going to the stairs and running up them.
Max searched his dresser drawer for the pinecone he had been keeping for a couple of weeks. He found it, getting it out. Knowing Igor kept a container of glitter in his room, he went in and dipped the pinecone in it, shaking off the excess. When he got back downstairs, he hid the pinecone behind his back and tapped Andreas on the shoulder.
“I got you something. Homemade gift,” he said, smiling as he handed Andreas the glittery pinecone.
“Awww, I like it. Thanks, Max,” he replied, grinning and putting his hand on Max’s shoulder. They took a moment to kiss and Andreas added, “I can use it for my altar for Herne the Hunter. He loves nature stuff.”
Max didn’t know what Andreas was talking about, but continued to smile and nodded his head like he understood. He was just happy to be with Andreas in the moment. His response to Andreas’ words last night were true, he really did think he was beginning to fall in love a bit.
“It was nice meeting you, Andreas,” said Vania, waving goodbye. “Come back sometime soon.”
Andreas laughed, saying, “Oh, I think me and your son are gonna be spending a lot more time together.” It was somewhat suggestive, but him and Max both knew it was very true. He gave Max a final peck on the lips before walking out the door. “Bye Max.”
Max watched him walk down the porch and to the car. He turned back to Vania and said, “I don’t know shit about witchcraft, but I’m willing to entertain the thought for him.”
Vania snorted and asked, “Do you want me to make you some scrambled eggs and toast?”
Scratching his head, Max walked over to Vania and hugged her in a moment of appreciation. He thought back to how her and Andreas had lifted his spirits yesterday. “Sure, that sounds good.”

Call It Fate, Call It Karma {Andreas Kisser X Max Cavalera}Where stories live. Discover now