Kotobuki Reiji x Composer Oc part 2

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It took me the whole day to complete composing a new song with the help of Reiji without him I don't think I would be able finish it
"Hey thanks for helping me"i said looking at him and gave him a smile
"You are welcome my princess but you must give me a reward"said him smiling at me with a smirk
"What reward"i said clueless what is this idiot planning
"This"he said and then his lips were on my lisp WHAT HIS WHAT his lips feels really soft then i came to my senses I push him
"Reiji you baka how could you"i said
"Oh don't tell me it's your first kiss"said him winking at me
"Baka baka get out of my room baka"i said and kick him out of my room and he flew out of my room in slow motion and his face was flat on the floor I didn't care if he was injured I just went to close and lock my door
From the other side of the door"ouch that hurt you know my princess"said him
He walk to the door"i'm really sorry about it I was not sure what is going on with me I better go now"he said and i heard footstep walking away
I open my door and went to hug him
"Huh karin"he said
"I'm sorry for hurting you I don't mean it"i said
"i know you didn't mean it it was my fault too"said him his face turn red
And i let go
"Ummm actually there is a festival tomorrow and I was thinking of asking if you would like to go with me"said him
"Sure that would be fun what time"I asked
"Hmm I pick you up at 6pm"said him
"ok then it's a date"I said
"Hmm yeah"said him blushing
"What's the matter Rei kun or my prince"I said moving closer to him which him tensed up a bit
"Ummm it's nothing i better go"said him and he run in a speed of light
"Wow that was fast"I said
I went back to my room to sleep as it was late

I ran as fast as I could and hed back to my room my heart is beating so fast what can I say she is really cute what am i'm thinking love is banned for idol
"Hmm Rei chan are you sick your face is weird"
"Huh what oh it's just you Otoyan im just tired"I said and went to bed
"It was such a long day I hope tomorrow would be better"I said to myself
And went to sleep

The next day i woke up I went to get ready to eat breakfast
So i walk to the kitchen while getting closer to the kitchen there was a delicious smell so when i arrive at the kitchen it was Karin who was cooking I went near her
"Hey Karin that smell nice"i said
"Ohh hi Rei kun it's nothing it's just some sandwich,beans,Fries you know the normal breakfast how about you take a seat i will serve you some"said her
"Thank you"i said and went to take a seat
Then after a few minutes she serve me the food she also took a seat in front of me
Then we started eating

After we were done eating Camus came in
"So where is the song"said him
"Umm here "said her  She handed him the song he went to look at it then throw it on the floor

"Myu-chan is scary"I said
He gave me that glare and I shut my mouth
"umm i..."her sentence was cut by camus
"You hear me peasant what was shining thinking you are the worst composer ever"said him and walk out the kitchen

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you"said I
"It's fine....."said she and tears started to form from her eyes and she started crying
I went to hug her
"there there no need to cry I can help you write the new song"Said I
"It's fine I doing this alone"said her
"Are you sure"said I
"Yes and thank you"said she and she kiss my forehead and she went out the kitchen
Then haruka went in"umm what's wrong with karin senpai?"said Haruka

"camus just shouted to her and said her song is terrible"said I

I hand Haruka the song sheet that Karin compose

"why didn't he like it the song is really wonderful"said Haruka

"yeah it is"said I

"Ohayo"said masato as he went in the kitchen

"ohayo masa chan"i said

"what are you guys holding"said masato

Haruka went to give the song sheet to masato

"karin senpai wrote it"said her

"its a beautiful song and the lyrics are just beautiful"said masato

"yeah but myu chan rejected the song and rin chan is banned from going to the festival until she finish the song that just bad i was thinking of going with her"said I

"that is really bad of camus as always"said cecil as he went in the kitchen

"how about we ask ranmaru senpai and ai senpai what they think of the song and majority wins"said Haruka

"thats sounds wonderful my little girl"

Notice:did you enjoy it wrote them almost 10 years ago hehe

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