Dragon Knight Mirror Mode story #1

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Dragon Knight Mirror Mode Story # 1 Prologue: Gaven Taylor was given the advent Deck giving him the power to turn into Dragon Knight. By his Teammate/partner,Kase Cynthia /Kamen Rider Siren. Using this power Gaven vows to help Len, Ashley, and Kase to protect Earth and Ventura from General Xaviax as well as find his missing father.

Starting the mirror mode challenges like defeating all the enemies within the field, defeat the enemy, and win without using any cards

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Starting the mirror mode challenges like defeating all the enemies within the field, defeat the enemy, and win without using any cards. Dragon Knight proved himself clearing the first section of Mirror mode, And moving. On to the Second and last portion.
Completing all but two of the mirror mode missions, an alert for an ambush appeared as a mysterious Kamen Rider Appeared.
Kamen Rider Lord:

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight: Xaviax

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Kamen Rider Dragon Knight: Xaviax .
Kamen Rider Lord(Xaviax):indeed, I told you before you had an ultimatum, either join me or don't and never see your father again.
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight: I won't join you.
Kamen Rider Lord(Xaviax): then you will be defeated.
As the two Kamen Rider battle, Lord proving to be a bit stronger.
Suddenly Kamen Rider Lord is knocked back a bit, as Kamen Rider Siren arrives.
Kamen Rider Siren:you ok Gav?
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight: I'm ok now, thanks Kase.
Kamen Rider Lord(Xaviax): We meet again Siren.
Kamen Rider Siren: Xaviax, I won't let you harm Gaven.
Kamen Rider Lord(Xaviax): I'll defeat him first, then you'll be next.
Kamen Rider Siren:Not on our watch, we'll defeat you together.
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight and Siren Defeat Kamen Rider
Kamen Rider Lord(Xaviax): I'll be back. As he retreats.
Kamen Rider Siren:well glad that's over, but it felt nice to battle together again, like when we first met.
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight: it has been, only 1 more to go Kase, I know I can do this.
Kamen Rider Siren: I have no doubt you will also Gav. As Siren heads back to the others.
Kamen Rider Dragon knight complete the last mirror Mode missions and defeats Xaviax.

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Mirror Mode Mission#1 epilogue: Gaven Taylor Defeated Xaviax returning the world to peace for now

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Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Mirror Mode Mission#1 epilogue: Gaven Taylor Defeated Xaviax returning the world to peace for now. Kase helped Gaven find his father in Xaviax's lair, father and Son reunited, smile.Gaven decides to continue being Kamen Rider Dragon Knight to fight for peace and defend his love ones, and teammates.

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Kamen Rider Dragon Knight(Sad): with Xaviax defeated for now, I guess that means you three have to return to Vantara, after all it is your home

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Kamen Rider Dragon Knight(Sad): with Xaviax defeated for now, I guess that means you three have to return to Vantara, after all it is your home.
Kamen Rider Dusk: I'm afraid so, take care Gaven.
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight: I'm going to miss you all, have a safe trip back, and you can come back and visit when you can.
Kamen Rider Ray: I think we will, thank you, all the Ventara riders are back. And Xaviax is defeated for now. So mission complete.
Kamen Rider Siren(Sad also): I'll miss you too Gav, but we'll come back and visit when we can.
As something unexpectedly happens Earth and Vantara Permanently Merge.
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight: Does this mean you guys can stay?
Kamen Rider Siren: looks like it.
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight: Master Eubulon and I were able to Create these Survive modes and deck for you Kase.
Kamen Rider Siren(survive deck):

The purple is white and the cobra is a Swan

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The purple is white and the cobra is a Swan.
Siren (Survive Mode, non canon):

Kamen Rider Siren: thank you Gav, I will use them wisely when the time comes

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Kamen Rider Siren: thank you Gav, I will use them wisely when the time comes.
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight:our team is together again, partner.
Kamen Rider Siren: Partners till the end.
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight: Partners till the end.
• Well that is Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Mirror Mode story, next is Siren's. Also Xaviax won't be defeated permanently until part 16 of this non canon story.

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