Duality of Susurrus Valley

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Before their host put on the next viewing, a Yaoyorozu raised a hand. A question, about the previous topic, that was just bugging her.

The Angel allowed the question. "Yes, Momo, do you have a question?"
She nodded, but was nervous to voice it in front of the whole audience. "Um... a couple of questions, actually. First... why do you address us by our given names?"

That was a fair question, and she smiled, "I know that it is a culture shock to you, but it's how I grew up. Unlike Japanese and Asian culture, I prefer to use the name that makes you unique, instead of the one that denotes what group you're from. Does that make sense?"

"And your second question?"

She hesitated on how to phrase this question, even though everyone had this particular question in their minds. Especially Izuku, as he was open to the page in question. "What exactly is Davy Jones, you called him a villain, but he had a duty. That doesn't seem... villainous."
"Ah, of course. Due to the fall of prequirk history, a terrible loss, might I add... the term was lost. Japanese culture doesn't really have a word or phrase for this, that I know of, but it is a psychopomp. The original purpose of such a being was to guide souls to the afterlife. That was his purpose, as ordained by the Goddess Calypso."
That brought new questions, but it was clear that they would have to be answered later. "Unfortunately, any further questions must be answered once we revisit that fracture." She sighed, putting on a smile, "For now, we must continue. I have found a much brighter fracture, one with a good future where good people win against evil. One where none of you have to worry about treachery such as before. One that is more wholesome and heartwarming."

The screen changed to images of two individuals. One was a middle aged man, wearing a scientist lab coat, with glasses and an overall smart appearance. Meanwhile, the other was of a woman wearing a leather jacket, with confidence radiating from her posture.

 Meanwhile, the other was of a woman wearing a leather jacket, with confidence radiating from her posture

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"I will be breaking down these figures for a change

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"I will be breaking down these figures for a change... And I'll begin with the head scientist, the man of the hour, Andrew Fisher. He's a brilliant man, with doctorates in Physics, Quantum Physics, Chemistry, and a minor in Biology. This was considered a high level of skill for a man to acquire at that time... so, he led a lucrative career, leading to his most important project yet. Project pendulum. This was a military project headed in 1944 and 1945, to find a way to end the Second World War."

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