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It's a weird fact that people whom you met just a couple of years ago as strangers become the best thing ever happened to you but some times the best could be the worst thing ever
You never know.
The story leads to a girl whoSe name is Hannah and she  just recently changed school and admitted to another school. this school is a lot more different than she thought it would be. There are only girls. Plenty of them. A really big school which holds 60-70 students per class and the classes are also very... very much that you can get confused and get ragged up really easily.
She was really confused on the very first day. There were a pile of  feelings in her heart  Except happiness and excitement.
She was relieved a bit that her sister was also in the same school just two classes above like she was in 6th grade and her sister was in 8th grade.
Everyone had to go through an entrance test for the admittance in school but her grades were on the verge of brilliance that she got the admission without a test.
Little did she know what was coming up.. a big challenge to her life.
She only been to an Co education. School. It was nothing like this. She was very well known for her grades there.  But here she barely existed.  This thought made her nauseous. And a room piled up with weird,obnoxious, and stubborn  girls was a cherry on top.
The first day
I'm feeling a very complicated type of feeling gaahhh I don't even know what to think
The school is a lot more different than I thought. I wonder if I could make a friend at least.
I hurry up and wore my uniform. I'm nearly puking because the fabric is really harsh and it feels like you've just stuck in the middle of nowhere. 
I don't know what I would see. This day will hopefully be less dreadful than I thought. But dreadful. The drive to school was full of thoughts
I nearly thought every worst possible scenario that could happen to me. But surely I should hope for the best.
The moment I entered the school my brain stopped dead in it's tracks.
Chills of fear went through my body and I felt really really confused.. no nervous I may say.
It looks like there's some freaking fair here. Loads of girls. Trust me so many. So lot much
I think I'm going to faint. Oh  God I've never seen such a crowd before. Girls playing lame games. Some just running. And some just wandering the halls like me.
It was August and the hot summer just again creeps its way back. And because of my nervousness I was already sweating a lot.
I reached my class..oh sorry I reached near the door to hell and I was supposed to knock and get inside and prepare myself to burn in the room full of weird girls for six freaking hours. The thought even made me feel like I will rather fall from the roof of this school than to sit here and listen to the lame talks of girls. I've never had a good friendship with girls. Most of them either were jealous of me or some couldn't stand my chill attitude. So I preferred to be friends with the boys of my class.
But this was a huge challenge.
I wonder how's my sister doing I hope she's feeling more nervous than me. But nevermind. I knocked the door.
"Umm excuse me ma'am may I come in " I asked my heart pounding as if the teacher standing next to me will rip my head off and then hang it on the wall of the class.
"Yes dear, come on in" she told me. And I was relieved a bit that she ain't like the teachers who knows to just remark rude.
I entered the class, 64 pairs of eyes on me. And because if thus I stumbled a little but I had to keep myself together.
"My name is Sonia, I'm your class teacher and you are?" she asked.
"I..I'm Hannah. Hannah Emanuel". I introduced myself. My voice shaking.
"Oh hello Hannah, well the principle
told me about your good grades I'm sure you'll be an inspiration for the class".
"Umm Thanks" I said unsure what to say. I was waiting when this woman will let me sit on the bench my feet already hurt and due to the bag my shoulders almost felt like I had none of them.
"Okay now take a seat" . I practically thanks her by nodding and sitting on the second last bench as there was no place left in the front.

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