"My needs"

544 21 1

It was 5pm... When Jin entered the home smiling widely...
After so many day,s, he met with his friends... And so much had happened in his life in these days,
Today, he felt like he got escaped from the evil side of life...

Smiling again, he looked at his result card...
Today, his result got announced and he got 2nd position in the whole city...
He kissed passionately the result card...
Now, he will study in the university
So happy...

But he forgot he was married

Jin had come home long ago but he got to know that V left already...
Aria also told him that Teahyung was getting angry that he left...

But Jin thanked that he was not home now... At least, he could breath for sometime peacefully

He was checking different universities on the Google ... Ofc, he wanted to study best and best
(Phone ring)
Mr. Kim is calling....
Jin picked up the call
Jin "Hello Uncle!"
Mr. Kim "Hello ... Jin do you know where V is??"
Jin gulped hardly ... He sounded offended
Jin "Sir... He .... Is... I mean..."
Mr. Kim "Jin! I let you get married to him for this day..."
Jin "Sorry"
Mr. Kim "Get out of your house and go to him..."
Jin "Ohkk"
(The call got cut)
But Jin was silently staring at the phone...
A weird pain aroused in his heart...

(Closing his eyes, he again gathered his strength and made his way out)

            After almost half an hour, Jin reached before the house where he got to know where V is ...
Without thinking anything, he rang the bell...

(He heard the voice of a boy)
As the door opened, Jin faced a boy looking like a rascal....
Smoking cigarette...
Boy looked at Jin from head to toe and then an evil smirk played on his face
Jin ignored it...
Jin "V?!"
Boy "Oh, he is inside but who r you??"
Jin didn't answer but pushing him aside, he went in...
Jin " V! V! "(Calling his name)
A tap on his shoulder ...
He immediately looked back and jerked that boy hand who was looking at him lustfully
Boy "Don't be afraid boy... He is there"
(Pointing towards a room)
Jin went in and what he saw ... He almost expected this...

(V in a hella drunken state laying on a couch... His shirt tore open and sucking marks could be seen on his chest)

Jin shut his eyes tightly
Don't know why, but he couldn't bear this...
       "V! I didn't know you hid such a beauty as your husband"
That boy jerking V body blurted out such a cheap words... Which made Jin come back to his senses...

Jin "Let's go V!" (He immediately jerked that boy away and tried to make V stand, who hummed in his response)

When he was able to make V stand, he looked back at that fu^ker...

Jin "Next time, don't you dare to come near my husband or I will smash your face" (yelled)
Boy "Ok love" (winking at him)
Such a bastard...

                     (At home)
He laid V on the bed...
Jin looked at him deeply... After the marriage, like it was the first moment, he was admiring his husband...

He was beautiful...
Only from outside...


Jin pulled out his shoes and covered him with blanket...
He was still looking at those marks which were stabbing his heart....

Don't know how many fu^kers had tasted his husband??

(Ring Ring)
It was V mobile...
Jin looked at the phone...
Jin "Fu^k you"
(He cursed before his sleeping husband)
And was about to go to couch to sleep when...
V "Jin!..."(murmured)
Jin looked back in shock...
But seeing no movement from V,
Jin "Maybe he is dreaming"
V "Jin...!"
Jin again looked back
Jin "Whatt??"
V tried to open his eyes... Half
He started patting the place beside him on the bed
V "Come here"
Jin didn't move.
V "Come here" (Now a little bit high voice)
Jin could'nt believe his ears ..
Jin silently paved his way to bed..

As he laid beside V, A small grip on his waist made him look back shockingly...
V pulled him towards him...
So close
So so so close
He pulled him twice
Hugging him back,
V murmured "I want you"
Jin "Whatt??" (Looked back at V)
V smiled although he was asleep
He gave a small peck on Jin lips .. and lips started moving from lips to chin, jaw and... Going towards the neck...

Jin eyes were wide open...
He pushed V but V gripped his hands tightly....
V "Shhh!"
(His lips triled down at his neck...
Kisses changed into suckings...)

For today...
Hahaha ..
It's half romantic night .. hahah

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