"24 hours"

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Jin had reached the palace which was gifted by his Father-in-law ...
He sighed entering the palace but it would be like if I say...
Jin was not amazed by the beauty of expensiveness of the palace...

Mr. Kim had assured him to send the Kim Taehyung to palace so maybe he would be in a room or maybe not...
Jin "Hey!" (To a girl who was standing beside her all the time, maybe a maid)
Girl "Yess! Sir!"
Jin "Who r you??"
Girl "I m the cook here Jin Sir,Aria"
Jin face plastered with a smile
Jin "Aria, nice to meet you"
(He presented his hand to greet Aria)
She shockingly looked at him, but after few sec, she shaked hand with him
Aria "Thankyou Sir"
Jin "Can you plzz make something for me to eat??"
(Puppy eyes).Aria burst out laughing...
Aria "Ofc, Sir"
She turned around to go to kitchen
Jin "And, make for yourself too"
Aria "But... Sir..."
Jin "Accompany me"
Aria "Okk" (With a smile she left to the kitchen, while Jin made his way towards the room)

(He was always like this, kind and
caring towards others, always on first to make friends)

(Half an hour passed)
Jin entered the kitchen...
Aria "Sir, I made kimchi and ramaeyon"
Jin "My fvrt"
Aria "Mine too"
Jin " Why u standing?? Sit na"
Aria " Sure Sir"(She happily sat beside him)
And first night of his wedding, Jin spent his time in listening to Aria and her daughter(who maybe was sleeping)
Jin felt so happy and then he told everything to Aria about him...
Both became best friends... 🖤🖤🖤

Kim Taehyung never came to palace that night...

(Next day)
At 6:40am
Jin was sleeping peacefully when someone barged inside harshly...
Jin woke up in a panic state...

(Kim Taehyung looking extremely messy in a drunken state)

Jin "Taeh....."
Taehyung "Shhh!"
(He fell beside Jin on the bed and slept)
Jin looked at him from head to foot...
It seemed like he drunk the last night
and after fu^king someone... Which his open-shirt buttons were showing...
He came straight to home...

(On the first night of his marriage, Kim Taehyung fu^ked someone else)

A sad smile appeared on Jin face...
Suddenly, he felt it like a sin now if he sleeps beside Kim Taehyung...
He immediately got up and without looking back at his so-called husband...
He left ....

(Mr. Kim house)
Jimin slowly opened his eyes...
Last night, he slept late ... First because he was thinking about his brother
Second his body was not used to some comfy bed .. so it took time to adjust...

But there was a third thought that was prevailing on his mind last night...

(At wedding departure)
As Jin left in the car, Jimin was crying...
He was standing there in a trance looking at the car in a trance,
When someone patted on his shoulder...

(A boy with bunny smile looking at him)
Jimin recognized.. he was the one who was with Kim Teahyung all the time ..
JK "Hello cutie! I m JK.. Kim Taehyung's best friend"
Jimin "I m jimin.. Jin's brother"
JK "That's good more than enough"
(he muttered under his breath)
Jimin "What did u say??"
JK "Ahh... Nothing cutie"
Jimin blushes for a sec at this name
Mr. Kim " Let's go Jimin... "
Jimin " Bye... JK"
And JK was about to faint... How cutely he speak...
JK lean forward...
JK " Bye love... "
And before Jimin asked him further,
He left...

And Jimin was thinking about this all night ...

(Almost 4pm)
Kim Taehyung woke up by yawning... Still drowsy eyes 👀
He had a severe headache and all his body was aching cuz of last night..

I mean who wouldn't... He fu^ked the whole night)
He looked beside him ...
But didn't find Jin...
Taehyung "Jin" (calling him)
(No response)
Again "Jin"...
Aria was passing from outside the room when she heard the voice...
She immediately went in...
Aria "Yess Sir!And Good morning Sir"
Taehyung "Jin??" (Asking tone)
Aria "Sir, he went to college". Kim Taehyung eyes shit wide open...
Taehyung "Whatt?? How dare him go out??" (Yelled loudly)
Aria stayed silent...
Taehyung "Dad told me he fu^king ended the college"
Aria "Yess! Sir... He went to take his some important documents... Jin Sir asked me to tell you..."
(She was speaking without noticing Teahyung's jaw clenched)
Taehyung "Leave"
(He shouted badly making Aria flinch)
She immediately goes out of the room

Taehyung "You fu^king dare to leave my house ... Without my permission"

(LOl... Now, he remembered Jin was his married to him but not last night when he was fu^king 3 people at a same time)

Byebye ... This is for today...
Be my side .. and love my story💓💓

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