Chapter 6 | A night of chaos

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As soon as the three entered the throne room, they were met with a strange and tense situation. The usual celebration that characterized the space had given way to an atmosphere of chaos.

In the middle of the perplexed faces, a sense of confusion permeated the room, pushing someone to exit. King Fred Edeos, in a state of inebriation, was on top of a table, engaged in a peculiar dance. With each awkward move, he carelessly sent crystal glasses flying through the room, adding a chaotic symphony of broken glass to the confusion below. The king of Agros was completely drunk.

During the chaotic scene in the throne room, King Maximus stood before his throne, attempting to restore order and calm. While his wife Arianna had the usual absent and careless gaze he raised his hand, signaling for silence and attention from the bewildered guests.

"Everyone, please remain calm!" King Maximus's authoritative voice resonated through the room, cutting through the clamor. "We will address the situation promptly. Guards, assist in escorting King Fred to a more suitable place."

The guards, including Harry, acknowledged the king's command and moved swiftly to help control the drunken monarch.

As King Fred Edeos continued his drunken spectacle on the table, Harry, the tall and muscular guard, sprang into action. With quick reflexes, he moved towards the table, attempting to take the inebriated king down without getting hit by the flying glasses.

Orion and Cairo, observing the situation, exchanged a glance that conveyed both concern for the safety of those involved and a shared sense of exasperation. Nathaniel, caught between the spectacle and the diplomatic tension, watched with a mix of amusement and disbelief.

"Shit, Dad." Cairo, muttered with a mix of anger and concern under her breath.

"My good lord, this is not a way a princess would talk, are you okay Snuggle bear? did this barbaric way of speaking shocked you?" Said Nathaniel with an indignant tone.

Orion tired of that stupid prince said angrily, "Shut up Nathaniel! Stay away from me."

Nathaniel, undeterred by Orion's outburst, responded with a dismissive tone, "But Muffin-cake? I know you're just shocked by this situation; you'll soon come to your senses." With a casual wave, he left the room, seemingly unfazed by the tension that had unfolded.

In the middle of that situation, Orion swiftly took Cairo's arm and guided her away from a flying glass that was dangerously close. As Orion and Cairo navigated the chaos together to reach the thrones, there was an unusual change in Cairo's feelings. The shared moments of concern, the protective gesture from Orion, and the tumultuous events seemed to be softening the walls around Cairo's heart.

Finally, Harry successfully managed to take the drunk King Fred Edeos off the table. With determined strength, he began guiding the inebriated king away from the chaotic scene, carefully avoiding the remnants of shattered glasses that littered the floor.

Despite Harry's efforts to guide King Fred Edeos away, the drunk king broke free from the firm grip and, upon spotting King Maximus, Orion Xeiron, and Cairo together, made a beeline toward the thrones.

With unsteady steps, King Edeos approached the center of attention, his presence adding another layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere. The throne room, once a place of regal composure, now braced itself for the unpredictable actions of a drunken monarch.

"My little Cairo, I see you have made a new friend." King Edeos said slurring words and touching his long, blonde beard.

After this the drunk king put his big arm around Orion inadvertently crushing the poor girl in an awkward embrace.

Orion, caught off guard by the unexpected and forceful gesture, winced as the drunk king's arm enveloped her. She panicked and felt in danger under that firm grip, so she instinctively moved her arm towards the hidden blade.

In response to Orion's swift attempt to take a weapon, King Maximus, noted the movement and knowing that her daughter could have her uncle's dagger intervened decisively. He firmly stopped her, preventing her from reaching the weapon.

Cairo's eyes widened with a mix of concern and frustration, witnessing her father's inappropriate behavior. "Father stop, please!" She shouted.

Queen Arianna observed the unfolding situation with a serious gaze.

Harry reached the situation. With a respectful touch, he intervened, loosening King Edeos grip on Orion, and exchanging a look of concern with Orion. The girl, visibly agitated and sporting an angry gaze, moved away from the uncomfortable proximity bumping into Cairo.
"Guards, kindly escort King Edeos to the chambers I have arranged for him,"  King Maximus commanded, gesturing for them to assist the drunken monarch.

The guards, under Maximus's orders, moved to usher King Edeos away from the throne room.

Cairo, recognizing the potential consequences of her father's behavior, swiftly turned to Orion and King Maximus with a mix of apology and concern.

"I'm so sorry for this accident. I hope that this inconvenience won't harm the diplomatic procedure," she expressed, her words carrying a weight of responsibility for her father's actions.

Orion, though still affected by the recent events, offered a reassuring nod, understanding the complexities at play. King Maximus, maintaining his composed demeanor, acknowledged Cairo's apology with a subtle and angry nod.

In a moment of regal authority, the king of Neifile took charge of the situation, his words resonating with command and finality.

"My esteemed guests, regrettably, the festivities must come to an end. I extend my sincerest apologies, but it is time to leave the castle. I bid you all goodnight," he proclaimed, his tone carrying both regret and a firm resolve.

The announcement rippled through the assembled guests, and a hushed murmur filled the room as attendees began to disperse, guided by the notion that the festivities had abruptly come to an end. The throne room, once a grand arena for celebration, now emptied slowly, leaving behind the aftermath of a night marked by unexpected events and unforeseen consequences.

"Orion, please accompany Princess Edeos to her chambers," King Maximus instructed, taking into account the current absence of royal guards.

Orion, ever dutiful, acknowledged the king's request and prepared to guide Princess Edeos to her quarters.

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