Chapter 10

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Orion found solace in the quiet solitude of her private library. Surrounded by towering bookshelves laden with ancient tomes and dusty scrolls, she immersed herself in the pursuit of knowledge, seeking answers to the mysteries that plagued her kingdom Neifile and Agros.

As the flickering candlelight cast intricate patterns of light and shadow across the room, Orion meticulously pored over the texts before her. Each volume held the potential to unlock secrets long buried beneath the sands of time, and she approached her research with unwavering determination.

Her mind raced with thoughts of Cairo, the enigmatic princess whose presence had ignited a spark within her. Despite the animosity that lingered between their families, Orion couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Cairo than met the eye. She resolved to delve deeper into the Edeos family history, determined to uncover the truth that lay hidden within its pages.

The soft glow of candlelight danced across the pages of the ancient tome as Orion's fingers deftly spun the gleaming gold dagger between them. With each twirl and twist, she found herself lost in the rhythmic motion, the metallic hum of the blade creating a hypnotic melody that echoed through the silent chamber.

As she delved deeper into the pages before her, Orion's mind remained focused on the task at hand, her thoughts consumed by the enigma of the Edeos family and the tangled web of secrets that surrounded them. With each turn of the dagger, she felt a surge of determination coursing through her veins, driving her onward in her quest for answers.

As Orion delved into the pages of an ancient tome within her library, a familiar voice disrupted her solitude. Looking up, she found Harry, one of the royal guards, standing before her with a curious expression.

"What brings you here, Harry?" Orion responded, her tone calm as she tried to hide the golden dagger.

Harry's gaze swept over the shelves of books before settling on Orion. "Just checking in, making sure everything's alright," he replied.

Orion offered a small smile, though she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that Harry's presence brought. "Everything's fine, thank you," she assured him.

Harry nodded, though there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes as they lingered on the book in front of her. "What are you reading?" he asked, stepping closer to peer at the worn pages.

"Something i hope will help me with my father's plan." She said closing the heavy book.

A heavy silence fell on the room. Harry was looking Orion with a serious expression. Orion closed the heavy book with a thoughtful gaze, her fingers absently tracing the intricate patterns etched into its cover.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, noting the concern in his eyes.

Harry hesitated for a moment before posing a more direct inquiry. "Are you in love with Prince Nathaniel?" he asked, his tone measured yet probing.

"Love?" she repeated, the word feeling foreign on her tongue. "No, Harry, I'm not in love with Prince Nathaniel," she answered truthfully, though the mere suggestion left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Harry's gaze remained steady, his eyes searching hers for any sign of deception. "Are you sure?" he pressed; his voice was insistent.

Orion met his gaze with unwavering resolve. "Yes, I'm sure," she affirmed, her voice firm despite the uncertainty that lingered in her heart. "Why are you asking?" Orion continued with a confused tone.

Harry looked down, avoiding Orion's eyes. "I don't want you to do something you'll probably regret," he said solemnly.

Orion's voice was firm. "You know I have no choice, but I'll do everything to impede the marriage," she said resolutely.

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