Chapter 8 | Intrigues at Dawn

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The dim morning sunlight gently filtered into Orion's room, casting a subtle glow on the peaceful surroundings. The air was still, and a serene calmness enveloped the space. Orion lay in repose, still lost in the embrace of sleep after a night filled with conflicted thoughts.

Agnese, Orion's personal servant, entered the room with her customary warm smile. "Good morning, your highness. It's time to wake up," she announced, her cheerful demeanor filling the room. Agnese, a seasoned hand at attending to Orion's needs, moved with a sense of purpose as she began searching through the wardrobes, intent on finding the perfect dress for the day.

The morning sunlight, now growing brighter, played on the intricate fabrics and colors of the dresses lined up in the wardrobe. Agnese's efficiency and familiarity with Orion's preferences made her a trusted confidante in matters of attire.

As she worked diligently, Agnese maintained her amiable demeanor. "I've selected a few options for you today, your highness. What color are we aiming for?" she inquired, her eyes glinting with a mischievous spark that hinted at the delightful routine of choosing the day's ensemble.
Orion woke up, stretching herself as she gracefully gets out from the big bed. The morning light painted a delicate glow on her features, and she acknowledged Agnese's presence with a soft smile.
Agnese, brimming with enthusiasm, held up two dresses for Orion's consideration. "What do you prefer, your highness? This one with all the flowers or this elegant blue one?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with genuine excitement.

Orion, still in the realm between wakefulness and dreams, considered the options before her. The flower-adorned dress exuded a vibrant charm, while the blue one carried an air of timeless sophistication.

"I like the blue one." Orion decided with a serene confidence.

Agnese's face lit up with approval. "That is a wonderful choice, your highness," she chimed in, her enthusiasm reflecting the genuine pleasure she took in assisting Orion with her daily attire.

"Your highness, now I have to go help the other servant with the breakfast, it will be ready in twenty minutes." Agnese said while she walked towards the door.

"Thank you, Agnese, then I will be ready in twenty minutes." Responded Orion with a gracious nod.

Agnese bowed and exited the room leaving Orion alone.

Orion gracefully moved through the morning routine, getting ready for the day that awaited her within the regal walls of the castle. The blue dress, chosen with care, draped elegantly over her figure, accentuating the royal grace that marked her presence.

Mindful of the strange circumstances that surrounded her, Orion once again reached for her uncle's gold and decorated dagger. Securing the weapon in the concealed lining beneath her dress, Orion came out of her rooms and headed towards the breakfast room.

Orion walked down a long corridor adorned with tall windows that welcomed the soft morning light. The filtered sunlight spilled through the windows, casting a warm glow on the regal tapestries that adorned the walls.

The view beyond the windows revealed the expansive grounds of the castle, with manicured gardens and ancient trees standing as silent witnesses to the passage of time.

Startled by the sudden touch on her shoulder, Orion instinctively turned away, her senses heightened. Without a second thought, a surge of adrenaline propelled her to react defensively. In a swift motion, she delivered a resounding slap to the unknown hand that had intruded into her personal space.

"Ah. Buttercup, you are stronger than I imagined." Said Prince Nathaniel while he was shaking his hand.

Orion's eyes narrowed as Nathaniel spoke, his casual demeanor grating against her growing frustration. His words carried a thinly veiled arrogance that set her teeth on edge, and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes at his self-assured manner.

"Yeah, I know you are very, very happy to see me, Darling." He said showing all his white bright teeth. "I talked to your father about, well you know, that little disrespectful thing you told me and..."

"You did what?" She asked.

"Oh, Little Bear, don't be worried. I said personally to my father-in-law that you didn't mean that, you were just scared by the situation, thanks me later." He said playing whit his expensive rings.

"Like I was saying, he told me that you wanted me to stay with you, to discuss the marriage and our life together. So, he offered me a room." He added.

Orion's jaw tightened, her arms remaining crossed in front of her as she processed Nathaniel's revelation. The idea that her father would make such a decision without consulting her left her feeling powerless and frustrated. She struggled to find the words to articulate her disbelief and frustration at the situation.

Before she could say somethings, Harry appeared at her side. Orion turned to him, her expression a mix of exasperation and worry.

"It's everything fine, my highness?" He said staring at Nathaniel with a threatening gaze.

Before Orion could respond, Nathaniel interjected with a confident smirk. "Yes, just things of princes and princesses. It's a bit above your station, isn't it?"

Orion bristled at Nathaniel's patronizing tone, her frustration mounting with each arrogant word. She shot a glance at Harry, seeing the conflict in his eyes, but his silence spoke volumes.

"Harry, can you accompany me to the breakfast room?" Orion interjected, her voice a calm but firm interruption, effectively diffusing the tension between the two men.

Harry nodded silently. Despite the lingering discomfort from Nathaniel's words, he remained steadfast in his duty to protect and support Orion.

"That's a beautiful idea, Darling. Harry escort us there, now." Nathaniel said.
With a small, apologetic look to Harry, she accepted Nathaniel's offered arm, the gesture more for appearances than genuine desire. As they began to walk, Orion focused on maintaining her composure, determined not to let Nathaniel's arrogance unsettle her.

Together, they continued down the corridor, the soft light of the torches casting long shadows along the walls. Orion's mind buzzed with frustration.

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