Chapter 7- DJ G.FlipFlop In Da Houzzz!

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Well... let's just say Sir Goldflipper wasn't coping too well without Toby. He had no idea what caused such a sudden change in Toby's personality and the way he acted towards Sir Goldflipper, it was completely unforseeable.

Sir Goldflipper felt sad without the company of his beloved, like there was a gaping Toby-shaped hole in his heart. He had no idea what to do with his life and every constant he could rely on had been stripped from him without warning. An incessant feeling of despair and dread lingered around him, following him wherever he went and as much as he attempted to distract himself, it never left.

His day only got worse when he found out his good friend, Andrea, had been found dead in a riverbank, her frail body mangled and her eyeballs clawed from their sockets. The police had confirmed it was suicide as tissue from behind her eyes was found underneath her fingernails, they suspected she had been driven mad and jumped from Greystone bridge into the stream below. It didn't make any sense. Everyone knew Andrea went a little loopy in the past seven years she's been searching for her missing ukulele, but Sir Goldflipper could never of predicted she would go this far.

The one thing Sir Goldflipper had left was his nighttime job as a DJ at Fishy Frenzy club about ten minutes from his home. Every saturday night, Sir Goldflipper trudged down to the club in disguise- a black top hat and glasses which came with a fake, plastic human nose and mustache attached- and DJ'd the night away. (idk how DJing works)

Once Sir Goldflipper had successfully arrived at Fishy Frenzy in his disguise (he wears a disguise because he wants people to see him as sophisticated and he knew if someone knew he was a DJ they wouldn't think of him that way) he got onto his DJ stand and started shouting into the mic enthusiastically.

"People of Fishpee Residency, The home for elderly fish, are you readyyy!" He yelled down the mic, basking in the immediate cheering and roaring from the old fishple in the audience, "I can't hear youu!" He teased, chuckling as the fishies screamed louder, one particularly cheeky, elderly purple fish passed out from screaming too loud and paramedics rushed in to take her away with her eyes wide open and her jaw dropped, she didn't seem to be breathing.

"Anyway folks, first song of the night is gonna be dedicated to someone in my life, someone I've recently lost.." He trails off, beginning the song, "Happier, by Olivia Rodrigo, brought to you by DJ G.FlipFlop!" The audience cheered and started breakdancing as Liv sung. They tried to sing along in their croaky voices but they were so out of tune meaning Sir Goldflipper- no, DJ G.FlipFlop had to put in some earbuds to prevent damage to the ear canal.

Lights flashed a plethora of bright and vibrant colours as spotlights whirled around the room, the disco ball swayed side to side as an elderly fish with dementia, Hubert, swung from it maniacally. Sir Goldflipper found himself smiling for the first time in a while, yeah, this is the life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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