⚒️2.A Gift For You⚒️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Crunchyroll and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Crunchyroll and the artist(s)

[Once again the following fanart used in this chapter belongs to Kaptaincoca]

If you had told Kai that he would be stuck in another world that was so different from the one he knew, he would've laughed in your face and walked off but now that he was actually here in that world

It was more of a serious matter since he was still thinking about trying to find a way home but he also didn't want to leave the people of this nation to be completely defenseless against the waves of calamity and of the horrors that came along with it

Even with the other Cardinal Heroes around to help protect this nation, there were still other parts of the world that went through the waves without any help of the heroes whatsoever but he didn't expect them to know that part either

Regardless Kai didn't know if he had the heart to go back to his world; the Queen had told him that they spent a major amount of magic just to summon him here instead of the capital where the other heroes were summoned

He could go out and look for them but he didn't know where to begin so for now; the best option would be to stay put in this palace even if it was rather hazy with all the smoke covering it

A knock on his bedroom door makes his turn as he walks over to open it; he feels a tug on his pants as he looks down seeing a little girl with blue hair standing there

"Um, hello? Can I help you with something..?"

The last thing Kai excepted was for a literal child to just randomly appear on his doorstep but then again he was carrying a hammer that was one of the reasons why he was here

?:I'm sorry to come here unannounced, Hammer Hero. But my mother would like to see you..

It took Kai a second to piece the puzzle together as it dawned on him that this girl was the Queen's daughter then again there was some resemblance in her eyes; the girl could see that Kai was still a bit confused as she decided to formally introduce herself to him

?:My name is Melty Q. Melromarc. I'm the Princess of Melromarc and second heir to the throne

She held her hand out as Kai knelt down to her level and shook it; all throughout his family tree. The men were always known to be quite tall and Kai was no different as he stood at a solid 6'3 and he had a good build having worked as a lumberjack before being arriving here

"Lead the way.."

Kai gets back up as Melty gasps a little surprised by just how tall the new cardinal hero was nonetheless she starts to walk down the hallway as Kai takes a second to look around seeing many armed knights stationed around the hallway

Yet something told him that they were meant to do more than to just keep the Queen protected; he shared a quick glance with one of the knights before finally reaching the end of the corridor as Melty knocked on the door in a specific manner

The door opened slightly as Melty gestured for Kai to follow her inside, the two of them made it inside as he closed the door just to be sure that no one could try and spy on them; Kai was greeted by Queen Mirellia as he bowed his head towards her as a sign of respect

Queen Mirellia:Thank you for being here, Kai. I see that you have already met my daughter..

Melty joins her mother's side as Kai nods his head but there was something else that was going on here, it wasn't a trap but he wondered why this meeting had to be kept such a secret

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