⚒️4.Getting Stronger⚒️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Crunchyroll and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Crunchyroll and the artist(s)

It had been a solid whole week since the minotaur attacked and was defeated by Kai, during that time he had decided to grow stronger so if any other creatures that held power such as that could be easily vanquished by the Hammer Hero

The last thing he wanted was for someone to die on his watch knowing that he could've stopped it from happening; Queen Mirellia and Princess Melty had been an enormous help to Kai, they taught him about the history of this place and how things usually worked around here

He was glad that he could still learn new things at such an age still he wasn't an old frail man before arriving here to this new world, he was already in very good shape so he was fortunate to let that hard work carry over to this place


Name:Kai Takahashi







Thunder Dome: Allows the player to create a dome made out of pure lightning, trapping whoever is inside of it and boosts the health of player to 75HP

Electric Absorption: Player is able to absorb electricity/lightning of any kind and use it for later

Lightning Immunity: Player is completely immune to any electrical/lightning based attacks from enemies

Regeneration: Player heals 1/4 of their health back after ten minutes, this skill can be useful in various situations

Summoning: When the hammer is thrown, it can be called back to the wielder no matter the distance

Berserker Râgê (🔒): ???

Flight (🔒): ???

+[Remaining Skills Locked]+


There was so much more to be unlocked by the looks of it and it seemed that the power of flight--which seemed very cool--was going to make traveling much more useful and easier but the berserker rage skill; something about that specific skill gave Kai a genuine chill down his spine

He always the kind of man who had to keep his anger in check and he was patient enough to take a breather and allow himself to calm down depending on the situation that was presented before him

Kai reached down and grabbed his hammer as he looked it and then back at his menu; he didn't believe such a weapon could make him this strong but that didn't mean there wasn't something stronger out there, he had to remain vigilant and ready for practically anything

As a matter of fact ever since his speedy recovery, Kai had spent that time in getting stronger. He saw no reason why not to do it, but he then again he didn't want to work himself to pure exhaustion; Kai closes his menu and continues to walk down the hallway that leads to the dining area of this large place

He kept getting glances from the knights that were stationed to be here; some were actual smiles while others gave him a disgusted look yet he paid no attention to those who held such pettiness towards him, Kai stepped into the dining room where he found Queen Mirellia sitting by herself eating some soup

Kai let out a small cough as the Queen looked up from her bowl and was met by Kai bowing his head towards her before taking a seat next to her as he set his hammer down onto the table

Queen Mirellia:I am glad that you were able to recover so quickly, you seem to be adjusting well to this place

She said with a soft smile as Kai gave one in return and replied back to her

"I've been training to get stronger, the next wave will be here soon enough. I wasn't here during the first one unfortunately.."

You could see some regret in Kai's eyes as he wished that he had been summoned earlier but there was no way he could possibly control that as Queen Mirellia set the bowl of soup aside; she reached out and laid her hand on top of his as their eyes met

Queen Mirellia:If I had known about the Hammer Heroes existence sooner then I would have summoned you far earlier, you are not to blame. But you are here now and that is what matters...

The dining room fell silent as a certain warmth could be seen between them; their hearts momentarily skipped a beat as she moved her hand away, Kai moved his hand back to his side as he stood up from his chair and held out his right hand as the hammer flew back into his right hand

Queen Mirellia:Kai. There is something I must ask of you..

Kai raised an eyebrow wondering what could be possibly requested of him, he stayed quiet and let her continue

Queen Mirellia:I am not someone who relishes in doing this but I would like for you to head to capital, my sources tell me that the Spear, Sword and Bow will be there as well

The dots started to connect for Kai as he was able to piece this puzzle rather quickly, he knew exactly what she was asking of him as a small smile crossed his lips

"Of course, my lady. I do believe that a certain something is meant to be done there, yes?"

She nodded her head 'yes' as both the Queen and Hammer Hero shared a rather devious smirk; oh how he was going to enjoy his trip to the capital for the first time

Queen Mirellia:I have a horse ready for you. Your cover will be that of a merchant, I do hope you enjoy your time in the capital..

Kai bowed his head towards the Queen and excused himself as he walked out of the dining room; he had heard his fair share of what these three 'heroes' were capable of so he could approach this at many angles yet the more approachable seemed to be calling out to him

After all this was requested to him by the Queen herself, who was he to refuse such an important request from a royal woman as Kai made downstairs with the horse that she mentioned all ready and along with it the leader of the Shadows

Shadow:I do hope you enjoy your trip, I dare say. May I make a small request?

Kai said nothing as his gesture told the leader of the Shadows all she needed to know

Shadow:Make it painfully brutal for them..

The Hammer Hero mounted the valiant stead as he patted it's head and just as he was about to ride off towards his destination, he replied back to the Shadow

"That's the plan.."

And with those final words, Kai rode off to the capital for he made a mission to complete and he had no intention on failing it whatsoever; that was guarantee from the Hammer Hero himself

To be continued...

[Next chapter is where the humiliation truly begins..]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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