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"what took you so long, you're never out this late." Chan asked as soon as jisung took his shoes off at the door.

Thinking back to Minho instantly lifted his mood and he got all dazed telling chan about him.

"He's so amazing chan hyung." Jisung did a little twirl around the table chan was sat at.

"I'm glad you're happy, but be careful okay? You just met him today."

"I will, don't worry."

Chan stopped his spinning and ruffled his hair, "good. Now help me make dinner, what do you wanna eat?"


Chan giggled, "grab the meat and I'll start on the pasta."

Jisung wasted no time going to the freezer and soon they fell into a comfortable silence whilst waltzing around the kitchen.

Minho's Pov

His upbeat mood didn't last long as he stepped into the hospital.

"Ah minho, want can I do for you?"

"Just came to visit them again, as usual."

"Well alright honey, let me know if you need anything."

Minho bowed in respect to the nurse he's grown fond of and walked in the direction of a hospital room.

He knocked, even though he knew he wouldn't get a response, before going inside.

The machines beeped in the eerily silent room. He took a look around realizing nothing has really changed since he'd last been here two weeks ago.

Minho sat on the empty arm chair between the two beds and looked at the people laying in them.

His parents.

"Hi mom and dad.."

"I miss you. I finally went back to school today after being homeschooled for years...it was nice and all but throughout the day, people kept saying weird shit to me."

He fidgeted with his hands as he continued, "they're wrong. I know they are. But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to hear them say the stuff they do. I get called cold and mean and they even told me that I killed you guys..."

He sniffled, "I didn't, I didn't cause you're right here bu- but I kinda wish I stopped you guys from going, or I if I had went with you. If I had just gone with you guys, I wouldn't have to feel this immense guilt that I experience everyday and I don't know why that is."

He vigorously wiped his tears and continued, "we had a pop quiz today and I aced it but I don't feel good about it. I wish mom was awake to tell me how proud she was."

Minho then laughed a little, "don't worry dad, you would say you're proud and buy me ice cream...I didn't forget about you."

He whispered the last part, more so to himself.

He knows how his dad faked being jealous if he favored his mom on a particular day over him.

Minho sighed and slouched in the chair, but in a flash, he sat up because he had something else to tell them.

"You guys know jisung? The kid I told you about when I got home from chan's? I met him today and god is he stunning."

"His smile just might be my favorite thing, right after mom's cooking though." He turned to his dad and said.

"Your cooking...I miss it...of course you taught me how to cook but, nothing beats yours mom.." the last part came out softer than he intended.

He kept talking to them about random things before visiting hours was up.

Minho hugged them both and said goodbye before walking back to his apartment.

He hated how quiet it was. A quiet house makes way for loud thoughts.

'i just might adopt a pet or two from the shelter..' he thought, before going to fix himself some dinner, which was ramen because he didn't feel like cooking.


I didn't like this one..

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