✿ 16 ✿

415 17 21

Jisung woke up the next morning with a happy vibe, contrary to the disgusting realistic nightmares he had at like 12am.

He got ready for school, ate breakfast then went to say goodbye to chan.

"I'll have to go to the company today and I don't know when I'll be back, just thought I'd let you know."

"That's fine" jisung said as he hugged the older before heading out.

It was Friday, part of the reason he was happy because it's the weekend which means no school for two days. They feel very short though.

The time it took for him to reach school was shorter that he'd like but, oh well.

He felt like he could've eaten a snack, so he walked to the vending machine to buy a pack of lays chips. In his opinion, the best chips to exist.

"Hey jishit" he heard behind him, and suddenly, he didn't wanna be at school anymore.

He payed the vending machine before trying to remove himself from a possibile beating.

"I just said hi, jishit."

"hi Jake..."

"Good, what do you have there?"

"My chips.."

"They look good, gimme."

"What? You're too broke to buy some fucking chips?" Jisung's mouth betrayed him and his eyes went wide.

The other boy gripped his hair, harshly tugging on it.

"Listen here you feminine built bitch, either give me the chips, or I break another rib. Choose wisely."

Jisung hastily handed over his snack before being pushed to the ground.

He willed himself not to cry before getting up to wash his face in the bathroom.

People around him saw the interaction but said nothing since Jake's father is the principal.

He (Jake) was 'feared'.

Jisung splashed some water on his face then headed to his favorite class with the best teacher, art.


That class was over too fast for his liking and now was p.e. He had a love hate relationship with gym class.

Jisung was fit from the couple times he's went to the gym with chan, but what good is that when you naturally have a feminine shape and is always picked on.

He changed into his shorts and the top which was a size too small, but he was scared to ask for a different one.

Jisung hated the gym uniforms. Scars were littered across his skin from the past, so every time he had p.e, he dreaded having to even be in a room with people where they'd either make fun or look at him with disgust.

He stepped onto the court just in time to hear his p.e teacher say, "alright guys we're playing dodgeball today" and jisung's face went pale when Jake gave a look in his direction.

He wanted to speak up and ask if he could sit this one out, but his mouth stayed shut, like a force was keeping him from opening up.

"I'll pick the teams, y'all go stretch."

Jisung was sweating.
He hated Jake but he wished to be on his team. Because if he's on the opposing team-

"Jake go with eunha's team, and jisung, you're with Sakura."

Luck wasn't on his side today.

He wanted the ground to swallow him hole.

It didn't even take long before Jake started aiming all his shots at jisung, who tried really hard to dodge the boy's attacks that seemed never ending.

The ball finally connected to jisung's side with a sting, and everyone but jisung or the p.e teacher was laughing.

"Jake that's a warning!" The boy rolled his eyes at his teacher's words but everyone knew he wouldn't stop.

Jisung has sensitive skin, so it was no surprise that the pain intensified as the game went on.

Jake's attack's on jisung were relentless, the last one connected with his knee and he's sure he heard something crack.

He wanted to cry but Jake kept giving him looks as to say 'shut up'. So he held it in.

Midway through the game, the door opened and all heads stopped.

"You're late—" the teacher glanced at her clipboard, "—Lee Minho."

Minho waved his late pass and handed it to her before joining the game after a bit.

‘lee Minho...’ jisung thought.

He really should've kept his focus, because another ball hit his leg and it was none other than, Jake.

Minho saw jisung take his bottom lip between his teeth to stop himself from crying. He also noted how everyone laughed at what just happened.

‘oh so that's how it is...alright’ he muttered under his breath.

It was now his turn to have the ball and he turned to one person in particular with a devious look.

Jake wasn't phased.

That was until his attempt to dodge the ball failed and hit him right in his shin.
Minho kept going after him until the game ended.

The p.e teacher watched, amused.
She was sure gonna tell Jake how it was after class, but Minho? He could get away with it.

The game ended with Jake crying like a little bitch and jisung limping off the court. Minho jogged to catch up with him and grabbed his arm.

Jisung violently flinched and looked behind him with fright.

Minho apologized, "sorry I shouldn't have just....I'm sorry".

Jisung shocked his head, "it's okay, I
Don't worry about it."

Minho retracted his hand and that made jisung kinda sad. But then he asked if he was okay.

" 'm fine.."

"Well pretty, the tears rolling down your face says otherwise." Jisung's hand flew to his face, and sure enough, he was crying. "Come on, let's get you to the nurse's office."

Jisung nodded his head.
Minho contemplated asking, but he did it in the end.

"Can I hold your arm? Y'know just so I could help you walk.." Minho's eyes went to jisung's arms. He saw them but didn't ask anything. It wasn't his place.

Jisung wiped his eyes, "Yeah. Yeah you can."


Idk wtf that was.
Thanks for reading 😃

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