The awakening: episode -2

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Mukherjee palace , morning time. Mrs. Mukherjee was making presentations for cooking. When the neighbourhood lady came to their house.
"Didi do you have sugar, I think mine have run out"
"Yes , yes come here."
"By the way what are you cooking today."
Tara came out of her room and came down the stairs. She was heading to the college, when she saw the lady. She said in her mind
"Again! This is the 4th time she ran out of sugar."
"Oh, Tara you are going to college? By the way what were you studying. History right?"
"Not actually aunty it's archeology."
"Right that digging job. By the way does that have any carrier opportunity."
"Ah yes actually....
Tara was angry but she controlled it and smiled a little.
"Aunty you are a devout person right. Do you know how we proved the existence of 'Ramayan' and 'Mahabharat' to the rest of the world. The texts are not the only evidence of the truth. The archeologist digs the actual thing up Kaki. That's why their history is not just Mythology. No school can teach the basic history without the success of archeology. So how much is the carrier opportunity pretty good right?"
"Didi I have so much work left at home. I will come another time okay."
She ran out like her life is at risk. Tara was about to go out when her mother called.
"Today it was too much okay. You come early today cause I have something to talk to you about  your marriage."
"I knew you already told me that you guys have fixed my marriage with someone I don't even know. What's there to talk about?"
"Still, come early today."
The last words came like a fade wave in her ears as she came out of the house. She was so angry and sad at the same time because she felt like she was too helpless right now.
"I have to meet Sanjeeb today."
She reached the university and a girl came to her
"Hey, do you know a new professor came for the 2nd paper?"
"Really who? "
"Dr. Bose , you won't believe"
"it's really that Bose who has written the book lost its city."
"Really, don't you find some of the stuff too real to be fiction."
"Yes, it's true. Let's find out directly from him."
They came to the class door when Dr Bose was also coming. They wished good morning to him.
They entered the class. He was explaining something about the layer of different stones and how durability works for different stones. Suddenly Tara asked
"Sir you wrote in one of your books that you found a stone older than 300 BCE which contains all the data perfectly. Do you really think that kind of stones really exist or is it just fiction."
"If you tried to ask if the novel is real or fictional then congratulations you were at least smarter than those reports. But about stones yes I do believe that they exist but there are countless methods to mock me so believe what you want to that's just an assumption."
"Why did you stop the foundation work in the middle?"
"It's not a news channel miss if you need farther information you need to come to my office cause it's not related to my topic."
The matter was closed for then. After the class ended she. Came to the teachers office and took his permission to come in there .
"So you are that curious to come to here I see. Ask what you wanna ask."
"I just want to know the whole story sir. I am pretty it's not the end of your research right. Just because the Government isn't cooperating  doesn't mean you have to stop your research."
"That story was my everything in this life. Indeed I am searching for lost traces."
"Yes I am kind familiar to archeologist our house itself has become an archeological sight. Numerous of archeologist has come to our house for research already."
"Your house does it's a old mantion?"
"Kind of, to be honest it is the oldest house in the whole Kolkata city itself. But very few people know about that. My father blames them for my archiological interest. He is right though I plan to dig up some parts of our house which I was not allowed to go."
Well that is one of the qualities of our girl. She is quite a talker. But right now Dr Bose was thinking something else, he didn't listen to her.
"By the way can you tell me  more about the history of your house. I will tell you about all those things you want to know."
"I myself  didn't actually know that accurately. But I will try to explain. So what most of the people know is that Rajshekhar Mukherjee was the Jammendar who actually founded our Jammendar. But according to some of the historians our place was actually the a queens place around late 300s BCE the empire perished after a thousand years and the Palace was also reconstructed the palace to it's current form."

"Interesting did you ever try to know in detail?"
"Not actually, I never believed in that theory but yeah. I did find something which is actually quite suspicious. One night I tried to peak in that room which my family doesn't use anymore. It is a store room right now. I found a painting, very old painting, it's not your average vintage. It's actually pretty old, the features were faded too much but still it's clear that it has a lady sitting in a singhasan. So that's where I started to doubt myself."
"Do you have the portrait with you. If you don't mind, can I take a look at the portrait. I swear I won't break your privacy."
"No no sir it's actually people like you for which I took the photo of it. Let me show you. This one yes."
The moment De Bose looked at  the photo on the mobile screen he was shocked and he was too stunned to speak anything. He kept looking at it for a minute and then Tara asked her
"Sir, can you hear me?"
"Yes yes, I was actually so zoned out. Fate has played a bigger game than Tara."
"What do you mean."
"It turns out that both of mine your answer was lying in this portrait. Do you look at that churamani Tara?"
"Yes but what is so special about it?"
"Now look at this photo."
Dr Bose pulled out a big red diary from his cabinet. He shows a photo to Tara from it.
"This , they are both so identical!"
"I suspect it's the same churamani Tara."
"But how is this possible your research place was near Madhyapradesh ......
"Maybe that has some connection with your family."
"Um, that's kinda difficult though."
"But that's not impossible. Although it was totally a different thing to establish an empire in that time. By the way I ... Wait here."
Tara was too perplexed to process the situation. But Proffesor was unable to notice all of this cause he felt like he got the Moon in his hand. He picked his car keys and said
"Tara can you come to my house for a minute. I really want to show you something."
"But sir the Government itself didn't show any interest, am I really worth it to witness this history?"
"Tara to me a true history lovers worth is more than those fools sitting in the Government chair."

The two of them arrived at Dr Bose's house. He brings her to his study room. He pulled out a book from his library and brought it to the table. Tara looked at it carefully. She saw that it was same book "The lost city". Dr Bose opened the back cover of the book. Their was a square shaped box hidden. When he opened the case an incredible thing came out of it. The Churamani which was placed in the lady's head in that portarit it is exactly the same.
"Didn't I told you I wasn't lying."
"Sir, you never wrote about this in the book."
"I couldn't, The Government actually robbed everything from but didn't bother to continue the project. Hopefully I hidden this peice earlier or else the history would be perished already. Tara I want you to take this. Secure it and if possible research about it later."
"But sir it's a Government property is it okey for me to take this."
"It's ok, the Government doesn't have any interest in this story now. Also you might be a blood related to this dynasty."
"What if I am not ?"
"Even then I will be assured that I placed the thing to someone who is related to this history. Just take it I know who want to steal my story and who doesn't."
"Thank you sir. I will be greatfull towards you for the rest of my life."
The moment Tara touched the Churamani an electrical wave traveled through her vains. She felt like she was seeing too many things with her closed eyes. A rain storm, a lady crying everything is under the waves of flood. Suddenly two large  eyes appeared . They suddenly opened and said
"Finally you are here."
Tara opened her eyes immediately and thought what was that?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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