worse day ever

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it was the next day of school it was going good in math class.but once i went into reading class that's when my luck headed out for the worse.we gotten a pop quiz on a book we were suppose to read during the summer.everyone read the book.everyone..........BUT ME!!!!.the first quiz i got and i had gotten an f great my reading grade all ready went down and its only the second day of high school.so once that was over we went to writing class.then came lunch tank goodness.so me and all the girls started singing really dumb and the boys looked at us like we were crazy.they also laugh.

then i noticed Eli wasn't there.i saw him in all our classes today he was sitting right next to me.then i asked everyone "hey guys where is eli?" they  all said "hes over there with his girlfriend " they all pointed to where he was at i looked.then i saw him with her they were talking then started laughing he had his arm around her then they kissed eachother.then i looked back at my friends then i said "aw there so cute together im so happy for him thats so great that he found someone" i had a smile on my face then i told my friends "ill be right back i have to go to the bathroom" the girls said "okay" the boys said "to much information we dont need to know all that" then i told them " o just shut up"

on my way walking to the bathroom i felt the tear drops running down my eyes then i start running to the bathroom. i couldn't stop crying i couldn't believe he had a girlfriend.this was the worse day of my life after the bell rang i went to my next class lucky for me i stop crying in time.once Eli saw me he came up to me he said "hey Rosie" i said "hi" then we started talking for me it felt weird but i didn't show it so after that class witch was kinda a free time for my class was social studies after that it was time to go home.

i walked home with Lizzie she came over my house.she help un pack  my things and get situated at my house.she said "it must be nice living on your own"i told her "for now but soon i will get lonely so it would be nice if one of the girls could stay with me for a day or something" she said "ya but you could have parties and stuff" i said "i guess if you look at it that way" Lizzie was such a good help she help me put mostly everything i had with me away then we got started with our homework we finished at 6:30 we didn't get that much since school just started but soon we will get even more homework.then i walked Lizzie home then she look sad i said "whats wrong Lizzie are you okay" she said "i don't want you stay in your big house alone im going to ask my mom if i could stay at your house for today is that fine with you" i said "ya it would be fine"  she went inside her house and said "mom can i stay with Rosie at her house tonight?" her mother had said okay.

so after she packed her things for the night we went back to my place.then you never guess who we saw eli sitting by my house step lizzie said "why eli sitting there?" and how did he know where you live this is a new house" i said "maybe he saw us walking in my place when we were walking together " she said "ya maybe so you are probably right about that"


what will happen next find out sooner when i make a new chapter read like comment and plz help me out ppl i want to make my ever first story awesome

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