Is it right

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Jungkook sat up in his bed, he'd had a lousy nights sleep ,he felt totally at odds with himself,why had he suddenly come on to Jimin?
Yes he felt guilty about what he'd done and said and maybe overhearing Jimin's conversation with the doctor had made him cry inside for the smaller male but to kiss him and hint at a relationship was that right?
Why had he not noticed before that Jimin was cute in a , oh my god he's so fuckable way? Of course he'd always noticed that jibooty, you'd have to be blind not to but it hadn't made him hard before...had it?
"Aaaaaargh! What am I doing, I've only just got his friendship back and I risk losing it because I'm horny for him."
When he'd realised Jimin was still a virgin it was almost like he felt he had to lay claim to that tush! He smiled as he remembered Jimin's blushing face when he'd walked out naked it was too adorable.Jungkook wasn't ashamed of his body and there had been others who had dipped into the sexiness that was Jeon Jungkook but he couldn't remember losing sleep over them.
Deciding he had to put this obsession aside he picked up his phone.
"Tae,can you really not make breakfast?" Jimin sighed as his friend say himself down in his kitchen waiting to be fed.
"Jimin your my best friend you should worry about me eating properly."
"Im sure you eat well but not in your own house!"
His phone ringing stopped the conversation and he blushed seeing who it was then answered it.
"Morning Kookie,ok.....what is it?"
Tae who was listening saw Jimin's confused look then sadness take over his friends face.
"O-ok,yes of course it's better to stay just friends, no it was just silly circumstances ,right....,yes I'm glad you told me....,no of course not,T-thank you for talking about it....ok...later,bye."
"What's up Jimin?"
Jimin lifted sad eyes then tried passing off a fake smile but his best friend wasn't having it.
"Ok spill what's he done?"
"Jungkook,you were all smiles until that call."
Jimin pondered could he tell his friend,should he ?
"Don't even think of lying I won't accept it!"
Jimin took a deep breath then,
"Erm Jungkook and I don't say anything....i got kissed it could have lead to more but he realised I wasn't.....he thought he was going to quick so pulled away but made me think....well I assumed we could pursue it but he's slept on it and thinks in the interests of keeping our friendship we should just ignore what happened."
" you kissed while I was here! How did I miss it! how do you feel about your crush getting cold feet?"
"M-my crush?"
"Oh come on Jimin....,I can read you like a book, your face lights up around him, you giggle you follow him around,you could write a book on him,nobody was more surprised than me when he asked me to buddy up with him..."
" doesn't matter least he wants to stay friends.....I can have that...." He sighed
"Jimin,jimin,jimin....wheres your sense of adventure....the man kissed you,he wouldn't do that if he wasn't interested...we just have to keep it on the boil."
"Tae....what are you on about?"
"You're going to make him jealous...."
"Me.....that's impossible."
"No it's not ,Jungkook obviously likes you,but is stalling because he's never been in a situation like this,so we need to show him what's missing by stirring things up...your gonna act normal be his friend but not do all those little things you do for him."
"I don't do much?"
"Your his little slave,man up you're gonna make him come after you and maybe a little help from a friend..."
"Tae I don't think...."
" like Jungkook yes?"
"Well yes but...."
"No buts...,operation green eyed monster has now started,remember friendly but not slave mode..."
"I'm not his slave!""
"Yer,yer now feed me,thinking is hard work."
The two ate breakfast then rode in the car together to practice.
Jungkook was hovering near the door waiting for Jimin who came in with Tae.
"Oh hi Kookie here already? Hey Tae we better get a move on..."
Jungkook stared mouth open as the small male almost skipped past him.Hed been all prepared to reiterate why they shouldn't carry on and now it seemed like he wasn't even bothered. Huffing he went to grab a water bottle.
"That's it Jimin,just like that!"Tae snorted,oh this was too easy he thought.
The practice began and compared to yesterday today was a breeze,Jimin danced his heart out smiling naturally making the others smile too,except for Jungkook who felt ignored.
As lunchtime came around a knock sounded and Tae's friend Park Hyung Sik came in smiling.
"Hi guys,is it ok to go to lunch with Tae....and Jimin,we will just be round the corner"
"Hey great to see you, yer we have an hour why don't you go?"Rm grinned
Jungkook knew Tae's friend as well and was annoyed he hadn't been asked.
"Ok if I come?" He asked offhandedly
"Sure,in fact we could all go," the handsome actor said
"I'm chillin here but thanks," Suga said
"I'm getting my hair cut," another time?"Jin said he didn't want to compete with the handsome actor.
Everyone else hurried out but it was Jimin's arm he put through his as he slowed his walk to the shortest legs.
"Jimin I want you to tell me how you managed to dance blindfolded and still look as sexy as hell?" The actor asked bestowing a smile on Jimin who giggled and chattered away.
"Your friends overly close to Jimin"
Tae tried not to laugh but turned to Jungkook looking innocent.
"Oh it's because he really likes Jimin thinks he's pretty cute."
By now they had arrived at the restaurant ,luckily there was room and they were ushered in.
Jungkook tried to sit with Jimin but of course Tae was one side and his friend the other leaning in to say something Jungkook couldn't hear.
"You're doing great Jimin you could have been an actor !"
"Ah hyung your easy to talk to,I'm sorry Tae dragged you into this."
"Are you kidding it's remember not to jump if I touch you ok?"
Jimin nodded.
Everyone ordered and when the food came jimin served some onto Parks dish,something he usually did for Jungkook.
"Ah Jimin your so kind here taste this," he held some food to Jimin's mouth patting his hand when he ate it.
Jungkook cleared his throat loudly.
"Jimin doesn't like to be given food..."
"Yes I do Kookie it's nice,"
"I've never seen you do it?"
"Probably because you're too busy eating what I've put on your plate!" Jimin retorted earning a laugh from everyone else.
"That's true Kook,poor Jimin is usually too busy making sure you have enough...."
"I don't ask him too!"
"That's right you don't so I'll stop doing it and have someone nice feed me!" Jimin dissed.
"Here Jimin taste this it's fantastic," Park offered
"Eugh!" Jungkook mumbled stabbing at his own food.
Jimin and Park Hyung then got into a genuine conversation about songs for dramas each complimenting the other for the ones they had done.
"I'd love to sing one with you Jimin maybe an ost to a romantic drama?"
"Sure I'm in if you ever get offered one!"
"Sorry. Guys but we have to get back,we have fittings for our outfits" Hobi said.
"Gosh I shouldn't have eaten so much," Jimin sighed worriedly.
Park Hyung frowned and said something that for once Jungkook agreed with.
"Jimin you have no worries about your weight, honestly a few more pounds would look healthy on you."
"Thank you hyung....i get a bit agitated about my's a hang up from school."
"Did you get bullied? Me too and I let it play on my mind until I realised the bullies were trying to make me feel bad because of their own insecurities,I've never let it worry me since."
"Really ....but you're not fat!"
"Neither are you Jimin..." the actor said kindly and Jimin finally laid his demons to bed hugging the other,
"Thank you."
The others had heard the conversation and we're glad Jimin took notice as many a time he'd caused worry over his eating habits.
"So guys the meals on me,you better go your security look worried,Jimin you'll have to come out with us some time,"
"Great,I can't wait!" Jimin said happily waving goodbye .
Tae wished his friend goodbye and quickly walked to Jimin's side as he saw Jungkook heading there.
"I think he likes you Jimin," he said loudly
"I like him too....and isn't he handsome?"
"Come on you two get a move on," Jungkook growled irritated.
They got back and walked into wardrobe,the theme was black and sleek.
Jimin was given a black jacket and trousers which he tried on, no shirt under it just a silver chain down his chest and around his body.
"Woah Jimin! Sexy !" Jin said.
The jacket was shaped perfectly and the glimpse of bare chest added a certain appeal.
Jungkooks was a shorter jacket held by two buttons and again a chain.
If anything he showed more muscled chest and Jimin swallowed at the vision but kept his voice neutral as he said," you look good Kookie,"
"Er thanks,you too it's a bit revealing though?"
"Me? Nah it's fine,it covers what it needs to,yours is shorter and shows more."
Jimin went to change and Jungkook stared after him,the jacket and trousers fitted his slim figure perfectly it was that hint of nakedness that sent the blood soaring,or so Jungkook found..
After everyone was fitted then changed the group met up in their meeting room as RM had a company announcement.
"So guys, due to the exemption there obviously hadn't been any plans put in place for us to work so..... after this week we are going for a working vacation for two weeks, the company have arranged for us to go to Phuket . There we can unwind a bit do a little sightseeing but mainly collaborate on songs, sort out which way we want our next album to go and all of us have to write one on our own and can then pair up or throw around verses for songs."
"Thailand wow,that's cool," Jin said.
"Great chillin out and writing songs," Suga said happily.
Jungkook smirked, if they were going away Park Hyung wouldn't be hanging around Jimin.
Tae ever watchful knew what was going on in his friends brain.
"Jimin,I have Park hyungs number if you want to meet up before we go?"
"We will be too busy," Jungkook said
"I'm sure I can meet up with him Tae thanks."
Jungkook glowered at his two friends then asked if they were done for the day.
"Sure the cars are outside," RM said
Gathering their stuff they all went to the cars,Jimin was looking at something on his phone when Jungkook grabbed his arm pulling him into a car with him and closing the door.
"My place," Jungkook told the driver
"Kookie! What you doing?"
"I er....thought we could chill and watch a film."
" got snacks?"
"Of course,unlike you I keep my cupboards full,"
Jimin huffed then took out his phone giggling.
"What's funny ?"
"Park Hyung posted a picture of us eating"
Jungkook leaned over annoyed when he saw it was just Jimin and Park Hyung close laughing.
"Hasn't he got any work!"
Jimin smiled to himself.
They arrived at Jungkooks and immediately sorted out snacks for a movie.
Flicking through jimin gasped when he saw a couple of erotic movies on the play list.
"Kookie what are you doing watching those!"
"Jimin I'm an adult it's a film so why not?"
Jimin just fidgeted,Jungkook smirked to himself as he tapped in something and a lot of gay movies popped up.
"Wanna watch one?"
"Ew! No...."
"But they can be quite informative?"
Jimin was about to shout at the other then realised Jungkook was teasing him so instead he said straight faced.
"Ok...that one..."
Jungkook looked at the screen then Jimin,
"You want to watch, the professors toy?"
"Sure...sounds kinda interesting...'a professor teaches his student more than just maths when he keeps him after class..."
"It's about a dominant male teaching an innocent boy sex?"
"Yer as I said,interesting..."
Raising his eyebrow Jungkook pressed play.
Within half an hour Jimin felt hot and had trouble keeping his eyes on the tv.
Jungkook though was really intent on the screen.
Wondering how he could put a stop to it Jimin sighed in relief when his phone rang.
Excusing himself he moved away but Jungkook was immersed in the film.
"Hey Jimin can you come over? I need you to help me practice a dance move I can't get it right and the video is being shot tomorrow"
"Of course....where are you I'll come now,"
After he was given the address Jimin quietly picked up his stuff and got near the door.
"Kookie I have to go...."
"Jeon Jungkook will you stop watching porn and listen!" Jimin shouted
"Huh?oh what are you doing?"
"Taemin called he needs my help so I'm going ok...."
"Taemin.....,what about our film?"
"Er....this is important Taemin needs me,bye...."
Jimin left quickly.
"Fucking Taemin...what about me!"
Jungkook removed the cushion from his lap and palmed his growing arousal.Shit so this was boy on was erotic....his head turned back to the tv as the'professor' finally did it with the student.of course it wasn't too graphic but Jungkooks head filled in the blanks and he lay back on his sofa and took care of his problem groaning aloud as he and the student came.
He got up and went to shower,that was different he thought.
He was annoyed at Jimin for leaving,especially to go see Taemin....he didn't know why the thought of them together made him want to punch someone.
When he got back the film credits were rolling.
"Damn, I wanted to know what happened"
He was going to put some music on but instead picked his laptop up and typed gay sex.
It was just information he told himself.....two hours later and Jungkook felt very informed and very horny.
"Fuck....maybe I should have an early night...."
For him it was very early but he fell asleep immediately,only to dream of caging in a small male and fucking him senseless over and over.
He woke up with a start to find he'd had a wet dream.
Cursing he cleaned himself up then stalked naked to pour a large whiskey.
"Fuck,I'm the one who thought it wasn't right so why do I feel so wrong now!!" He downed the drink,coughing then pouring another he took it to his room where he sipped it while listening to music ,his mind thinking about his reaction to the videos he'd watched and Park Jimin,
"Who knew I might be gay," he slurred, finishing the large amount of alcohol in the glass then sliding down the bed closing his eyes and drifting off to the music.

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