Getting spicy

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The insistent calling of his name had Jungkook opening his eyes.he found that his imaginative dream was in part reality. His mouth was on Jimins neck his hardness pushing into Jimins backside while his hand was cupping Jimins.....
"Oh shit! Sorry"
He scrambled backwards and Jimin sat up turned away from him.
"Fuck " Jimin thought he had been quite turned on but he couldn't let Jungkook see.
"Er must be all those films I've been watching...who knew gay porn was so entertaining ..." Jungkook said easily now he had regained his confidence.
"Well er.....maybe you should stop watching," Jimin blurted out," if it makes you like that!"
Jungkook turned to face the other.
"From what I could....feel,you weren't exactly immune to it?"
"That was erm....never mind,we should maybe put pillows between us to stop any erm, accidents like that happening."
Jimin stood up and scuttled to the bathroom hearing Jungkooks chuckle as he closed the door.
Jungkook glanced at the clock it was nearly eleven! He could smell food cooking so grabbed some shorts and t shirt and mussed his hair before going out to the kitchen where Hobi and Suga were cooking something.
"Great your awake,is Jimin? We are making brunch as we missed breakfast and it's nearly lunchtime."
"It smells great I'm starving,Jimin is washing up."
Jimin walked in as the others trooped down the stairs all going to help set the table and then heaping their plates full.
"This place is nice we can explore it now it's daylight how did you all sleep?" RM asked.
"Comfy beds"
"As soon as my head touched the pillow I was gone,"
"I had the greatest sleep with the best dream"jungkook said making Jimin cough as he drank some juice.
"Oh yer what did you dream?" Tae asked
"That I had a pet and was cuddling it and it loved it,"
"Aw that's cute,Jimin you ok did something go down the wrong way?"
"N-no...dry throat..." Jimin spluttered as he caught the smirk on Jungkooks face.
"Oh....hows your head?"
"It's fine,I've slept so much.....just a bit of a bump left"
Before he could stop him Jungkook was up and parting his hair,
"Look at the size of it! A bit of a bump,pfft!"
"Wow that looks painful,what makes people do that!"
"Well I've been in touch with the boss,she's been charged and the media are doing there usual,'what happened' query,but as it was all on camera Jimin doesn't have to do anything , the company wants her charged under assault."
"But....well she may have problems...." Jimin said
"I'm sorry Jimin but we have to draw a line somewhere,she can't get away with it,others will try worse if she does."
"Ok.....I guess I just....well,she doesn't have to like me...I understand that,I probably irritate and annoy a lot of people....." Jimin couldn't help a fleeting glance at Jungkook.
"Doesn't make it right," the maknae said dominantly.
The conversation veered away to what they would do that day and it was agreed they just chill around the house after exploring what it had to give.
After clearing up they ventured around the rest of the house.
"Yay! Games room," Jin said
"Look we have a mini gym!" Jungkook said excitedly
Jimin wandered outside enjoying the sun,he walked around the grounds finding a pathway which to his joy led to a private beach.
He ran down and sat staring at the water,he'd always loved the sound of waves it had a calming feeling.
He heard his name as if from a distance and realised he'd been there a while brushing himself off he walked back up the path,suddenly hearing his name multiple times..
"Hey what's the shouting for?" He asked appearing from the end of the garden.
"Shit! Where have you been we looked all over the house then looked out here did you fall asleep somewhere?" RM asked.
"I went to the beach.."
"The beach?"
"You do all realise we are by the sea?"
"I can't see it?" Tae said
"Because of the trees....theres a path at the bottom of the garden near that pink flowery hedge...,it leads to a private beach."
Everyone except Jimin and Jungkook went out to see.
"You had us all worried,"
"I'm sorry....I thought you would all look and find it."
Jimin went to go to the kitchen for a drink but Jungkook grabbed his wrist.
"I wish you'd stop being so careless..."
"Kookie I'm a grown man not a kid...."
"Oh yer,well you were more like a little kid earlier running off so I couldn't see your boner...!"
"I did not..!"
"Did not what? Have a boner....your not. That innnocent Jimin..."
"Fuck you ..pervert!"
Jungkook suddenly tugged him pulling him to his body,
"I'd love that! Wanna try?"
Jimin tilted his head up determined not to show how confused or aroused he felt at Jungkooks words.
"As if.....your the one who said just friends remember...and just because you've watched a few movies doesn't make you a-a sex god!!" Jimin blurted not noticing that Jungkooks eyes darkened at the challenge," so don't play games with me...I'm going to get myself a real boyfriend,w-who can satisfy me!!"
Jungkook wasn't having that, he grabbed Jimin's chin and placed his lips on the others punishingly.
He kissed him non stop hearing the low moan he couldn't control and only when he heard voices getting nearer did he pull back.
"You tell yourself that but your mine Jimin and you'll be moaning my name out begging for more before too long ."
Jungkook walked away to their bedroom leaving a stunned Jimin there,hearing the others he quickly grabbed some juice and was drinking it as they came in.
"It's a great beach...nice place to relax and work on songs." Suga said
"Your face is red Jimin?"
"Is it I felt a bit hot that's why I'm having cold juice"
"What about a barbecue tonight? The one outside is large , beers and barbecue,I'll cook," Jin said.
"Ok let's check what food we have,I've been told the shops are fifteen minutes away," RM said
After checking they realised they needed more meat and beers and a few odds and ends.
"There's a jeep in the garage," Tae said," I'll drive,Jimin wanna come? Where's kook?"
"Oh let's just you and me go maybe he's in the gym?"
Shrugging in agreement Tae took Jimins hand and walked out.
"Be careful!" Hobi said.
Tae was a good driver and they arrived there quickly donning sunglasses and caps so they wouldn't be recognised and going eagerly to investigate what the store had.
Jungkook came out of his room after finally showering then dressing in a vest top and shorts.
Entering the games room he found Jin there cursing at something on the screen.
"Oh hey kook where you been?"
"I showered...where are the rest?"
"Jimin and Tae at the store and Suga on the sofa watching tv,Hobi and RM are sorting out the patio for later."
"Yer I'm going to barbecue some meat and we are getting beers,that's why the others are shopping."
"I would have gone too,Jimin should be resting."
"He seems ok,he seemed to think you were in the gym told Tae not to disturb you.."
I bet he did thought Jungkook,well you can't keep your distance all night Jimin.
He knew Jimin's words were a front,just from Jimin's reaction to his touch he knew the other wasn't immune to him ....maybe he'd get to use that item he'd picked up in a pharmacy a week ago?
"What you looking so pleased about?" Jin asked
"Hmmmm? Oh just the thought of eating something later..." Jungkook smirked.
"Oh the too..."
Not the meat I wanna eat but.....thought Jungkook.

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