the company of roses

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مصاحبة الورد

The company of roses
A young man like roses
Sat down next to me
He looked like a dream
Like something Lana could sing
The view was beautiful,also his eyes
The colour of his new shirt made me wonder
How could someone look this young with only a new haircut  and a warm, pink sweater?!
He said it was new , I said ( it suits you well)
Suddenly I became jealous of this sweater

He looked like a dream
Coming out of a movie scene
His fingers on my phone's screen
Trying to get me out of here
But I was staring on a different thing
Like a good sip of champagne, looking at him make me drunk
Like an artist in the Gallery charmmed by a painting , looking at him make me feel alive

Leaning towards him , trying to stay close,his pulky cheast was tempting and my eyes can sleep to his gentle voice
And the coffee tastes like lust
And the city that I hate ,seemed pretty suddenly!
So I stole some pictures,but not a kiss , going back home filled with memories

Now my night sky full of stars .

I wanted to pass my fingers all over those vine
But I didn't want to put on fire something I can't finish

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