Darling..we can make it epic

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Oh ... darling
We can make it  epic...
We can be real
We don't say I love you
We don't buy roses
It isn't always about poems
Or oath  about a ring

Let's not be ordinary, you like to be wild
You put me into action
You made do things
You always rock my world
You help me spread my wings
Yes, we sometimes argue
Sometimes you can be harsh

But this how I want it
With you I challenge myself
With you I dare to do
You are my wake up call to all the roads I missed

Even though its scary , with you I can take a ride

Let's not only kiss , but also have a fight

Hugs can be better after a conflict,blood mix with sweetness after midnight

No more romantic dreams
No ,we are not like them
And with all that fear is coming
There is  also laughs and joys

If our love was ordinary,we couldn't last till now
If our love was ordinary,honey you would see me go far away

Oh darling we can make it epic, we can keep it real

I will love you like the first day,I will crave  you eternally.

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