Chapter -7

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Here is the update......🙃

⚠️ Warning mention of blood

Jungkook's pain grows on the plane, he stays quiet to avoid causing trouble. His brothers were worried but stayed calm, knowing they needed to reach the monk soon without drawing attention.

Jungkook struggled to contain the searing pain coursing through his chest as Jin tried his best to stop the blood.
Every breath  Jungkook took felt like a battle, and he clenched his teeth, determined to suppress the cries threatening to escape his lips. Tears streamed down his cheeks.Jin's heart ached as tears welled in his eyes, his gaze lingering on Jungkook's trembling form, wracked with pain.

Beside him Yoongi, and Namjoon exchanged worried glances, as Namjoon sought comfort in Yoongi's arms, their silent tears reflecting concern for their little brother.

Jin gently covered Jungkook's chest with a towel, the fabric quickly stained crimson by the blood seeping from Jungkook's wounds.

Jin's tears flowed silently down his cheeks, he clenched his teeth, willing himself to  not make any sound. His heart ached as he felt helplessness. He was angry on himself that despite his unwavering love and dedication to his little brother he was powerless to alleviate his suffering.

Suddenly Jungkook winced in pain, he instinctively covered his mouth to stifle any further sounds.Witnessing Jungkook's silent suffering, Jin's heart shattered into a million pieces.

With trembling hands, Jin gently reassured Jungkook"Hang in there, Jungkook. We're almost there. You'll be fine once we land."

"I-I'm okay, hyung. Just... just a little more."Jungkook, said  while struggling to speak.

"You're doing great, Jungkook. We will get through this together."Namjoon said with his trembling voice.

Yoongi, his eyes filled with tears: "Stay strong, Jungkook. We're right here with you."

"Thank you, hyungs. I'll... I'll try."Jungkook, nodding weakly.

As the plane finally touched down and came to a stop, Jin quickly covered Jungkook with Namjoon's overcoat, concealing the telltale signs of blood.

Warning End ⚠️

They hurried through the busy airport, feeling the weight of urgency in their hearts. Arriving at the meeting point, they were greeted by a group of men sent by the monk.

Without delay, they guided Jungkook into a waiting car and set off on their journey to meet the monk.

The atmosphere inside the vehicle was heavy with tension, each moment passing by weighed down by the uncertainty surrounding Jungkook's condition.

Jungkook leaned on Jin's shoulder, his voice trembled with emotion as he expressed his heartfelt sentiments."Hyung... Jin-hyung, you've always been there for me, guiding and supporting me. I love you so much, and I'm grateful for everything you've done for me."

"Jungkook, you are my little brother.  I will always be here for you, no matter what. I love you too." Jin  eyes glistening with tears.

Jungkook turned to Yoongi and Namjoon, his voice filled with sincerity. "Yoongi hyung, Namjoon hyung, you have both been such amazing brothers to me. Thank you for always looking out for me and believing in me. I love you guys."

Yoongi and Namjoon exchanged an worried glances."Jungkook, you are our  family our little brother. We'll get through this together. I love you, little bro." Namjoon said holding his hands.

Jungkook's eyes brimmed with tears as he thought of his other brothers. "Please, tell Taehyung hyung , Jimin hyung and Hoseok hyung that I love them so much. I am sorry I can't be with them right now, but they mean everything to me."

"Stop this nonsense! Jungkook, you will be fine! We won't let anything happen to you. Don't say such things! Believe in yourself, believe in us! We'll get through this together!"  Yoongi's voice broke through the somber atmosphere, filled with frustration and desperation.Tears streaming down his cheeks as he refused to accept the possibility of losing Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled at Yoongi as he leaned against Jin's shoulder with close eyes and his body went limp. Their hearts pounded in their chests, their breaths caught in their throats as they exchanged anxious glances.

" Jungkook, Jungkook hey bub, don't scared us please , open your eyes, please, bunny." Jin cried, his  hands trembled as he held Jungkook close, his mind racing with fear and desperation.

Yoongi's voice shook as he called out Jungkook's name,  "Jungkook, please, stay with us. You are going to be okay."His eyes wide with terror.

Namjoon's hands clenched into fists, his chest tightening with worry."Hang in there, Jungkook. We are almost at the monk's place. Just a little longer. Please little brother."

"When will we get there? Are we going to wait until something happens to my brother?" Yoongi snap at the men.

"Please calm down, we are almost there. We won't let anything happen to your brother." One of the men said.

"Yoongi, please calm down. We trust them to get us there safely."Jin said holding Yoongi's hand.

" Whatever " Yoongi let a frustrated breath as he try to compose himself as they continued their journey to reach the monk.

As the car reaches Monks place, Jin carries the unconscious Jungkook in his arms following the men, his heart pounding with worry. Namjoon and Yoongi follow closely behind, their faces etched with concern.

Upon reaching the monk's place, they are greeted by the serene surroundings of the monastery.

The monk, a wise and gentle figure, steps forward to greet them. "Please, lay  the boy on the bed," the monk says softly, his voice carrying a soothing aura.

With utmost care, Jin gently places Jungkook on the bed, his hands trembling slightly. Namjoon and Yoongi stand by anxiously, watching as the monk's men begin to prepare for their healing rituals.

After a thorough examination, the monk sighs softly.With a heavy heart, he speaks in a measured tone

      "It's late."

To be continued.........

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