Chapter 8: Caught

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❀ Anneliese ❀

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       I'm learning how to pick a lock with a paper clip and a hair pin.

Although I'm using Xavier's laptop to watch a video on it. This is my first mistake as a spy; don't leave evidence.

I hear some shouting and imagine a scene of someone being stuck in the bathroom with no toilet paper. Happens to the best of us.

I am sitting on the floor, my left food under the desk while my right foot is on the other side of the desk. I'm at the right side lock on the desk because the left one was already unlocked.

I'm not picking the lock because I want to know what's inside, it's just the lock that looks less suspicious.

He's got a safe behind a wooden frame of a map. I found it by accident.

Or maybe I knew where to look.

I'm going to pretend I didn't see anything, though. I'd hate for him to get mad. Maybe it's personal.

I hear a click and I flinch with excitement that I bang my knee into the under park of the desk.

"Ow," I groan. If I fudge up both legs I'll be doomed.

"Stupid desk." I huff. But my pain is short lived when I remember I heard a click.

Tugging the pins out I try to open the drawer, but it doesn't budge. What the frick. I turn back to the video, rewind it and watch it again.

I followed all these steps! This is such a scam. 47.2 thousand views for this scam? I wonder how many other people were let down in serious situations.

"Hurry Tom! If the guards catch us, we'll be sentenced to life in the dudgeon!" I shout in a deep voice.

"I'm trying, David, this shit's hard!" I deepen my voice to sound like a different man.

"That's what she said," I laugh out loud at my own skit. I should consider being an actress.

The door to Xavier's office opens abruptly. I flinch and nearly bang my knee again.

"God damnit," I hear a voice spit. "Anneliese?" The voice calls out.

I peer around the desk, pulling my leg out from under it, so I can crawl around to the side, so I'm visible.

I make eye contact with Matteo and he releases a rushed breath.

Breath taking, I know.

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