Chapter 16: Intruder

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❀ Anneliese ❀

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I couldn't shake the eerie feeling of being watched. My stomach felt empty and my chest heavy. Felt like I was being followed.

Of course, once I got home I felt a little better. It was short lived, though.

Anthony was passed out on the couch in the den. The kitchen floor was littered with broken glass.

Sighing, I move forward to sweep up the glass. I pick up the bigger pieces, not wanting to step on them while I'm sweeping.

I've been looking at these cool vacuums lately. Or maybe even one of those robot ones that move on their own.

Not that I'm lazy, but sweeping up dust is frustrating, and upstairs is carpet.

As if the night couldn't get any worse, I cut the space between my index finger and my thumb, the cut starting to the right my palm.

"Dang it," I mutter, standing up to stick my hand under the faucet.

The water stings at first, but then it just gets cold. The water turns pink for a second, then it burns again after the blood is washed away.

I just crumble up a paper towel to hold in my hand till I finish cleaning up the glass.

Something must have sent my uncle spiraling, again. I know he has a reason, I just wish he'd share it with me.

It's sort of my business, I mean, I live here, too.

Even though it's already late, I think I'll take a bath tonight.

I have these bath bombs that I've been waiting to use. One of them is supposed to have a ring or something inside.

Later, after the glass is all cleaned up I have to take the trash out. Taking out the trash might be my hobby; I do it at work, too.

Outside, I gasp when I think I see a silhouette of a man at the end of my driveway. My heat hammers in my chest.

When I turn to glance back at the front door I left open then back to the driveway, he's gone.

This is it. I'm hallucinating. The medication is getting to me.

Before I can give myself the creeps even more, I head inside, locking the front door, before hobbling upstairs.

Instantly, I slip off my clothes, the cloth pooling at my feet before I step out of them.

And like always, I undo the velcro of the raggedy boot that prevents me from walking normally.

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