Chapter 9: Make up

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    ❀ Anneliese ❀

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       It's happened. I had to sit down in the shower because I couldn't stand anymore. My bath isn't dirty or anything, but it made me feel weak.

Today we had a fundraiser at the diner so there was actually a good amount of customers. Usually I could sit down for a break, but I had no spare time.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the customers. But I somehow know it won't be enough to keep it open, but enough to close.

Liam was getting worried, so I was constantly reassuring him I was fine and could handle my tables.

Now that the cat's out of the bag— the diner closing and all— maybe I could get Liam a job at the bar, too. He's old enough to serve.

It's been a few days since I've seen Matteo, Xavier, or anyone other than Liam and Anthony.

The water starts to turn cold and I can't handle cold water. Using the side of the tub I rise to my feet with a wobble. I quickly rinse off the bubbles and step out of the tub.

I hear a thump and something of a hard plastic clatter in the ground. When things "fall over" all the time, you become pretty good at telling what it is based off the sound.

"Get the hell down here!" Anthony's voice echoes through the house. He's got a pair of lungs.

In record time I dry off, throw on my pj pants, and my t-shirt, and slip my boot on before hobbling down the stairs as quick as I can.

And rushing was a mistake. My boot hits the floor after the last step and slides through whatever liquid was on the floor.

I reach for the rail, but miss, my hand smacking the bar as I fall back, hitting the stairs before sliding down into the puddle.

"Ah," I groan, tears pricking in my eyes. I didn't want to hold in the tears; I just showered and now I'm sitting in whatever this is, my ankle is throbbing along with my hand, and back.

"There you are, fucking around as always. You're useless now, no point in keeping you." He shouts, looking down at me.

I want to shrink, disappear even. I avert my gaze, not wanting to see the look in his eyes.

That's when I spot the tray of cigarettes, rolled up weed, crushed red and white pills on the table in the den.

He's using and drinking. I didn't think this is what he was doing other his time. But what do I know. I was familiar with the broken glass, but now drugs.

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