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Nancy pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm go off and quickly shutting it down. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, I turn on my straightener, while its heating up I wash my face.

I began putting on my makeup, once I'm done my straightener is hot enough so I straight my hair and look in the mirror and do any touch ups.

I walk back to my room and pick an outfit, then I go to my plug box and choose my favorite black ones.

"Nancy are you ready"

"Yeah mom"

Walking down the stairs I see my mom making breakfast while listening to Pink Floyd. I say my goodbyes and walk to school.

-tip skip to school-

I was walking to class until my eyes were covered and I stopped walking.

"Let me guess Kylie"

"How the fuck you know it's me"

"Kylie you do that to me all the time"

"Your right maybe I should kick you next time"

We both giggled to what she said. Kylie has been my best friend ever since the second grade and were juniors now. So yeah I love this girl to the death.

"So how was your date with mm...."


"Yeah that guy"

"Well first he like Ghost better that Devin"

"Ghost, alright continue"

"Well we went to the fair and got on all the rides even the I don't like, then he walked me home, plus "

She stopped walking and moved closer to my ear.

"WE KISS!!!" she yelled in my ear

"Oww that hurted"

"Hurted is not a word" Kylie said wiggling her eyebrows

"So are yo-

I was cut off by the bell

"Like I was saying did he ask you to be his girlfriend"

"No we decided we want to take it slow"

"Cool..... I got class and so do you. See you at lunch bye"

She hugged me goodbye and walked off to class.

I began walking to with my head down.
I'm not really popular and if I think about it I alone has 3 friends and 2 of them are just cause I have class with them.

I sat in my seat in English waiting for the class to began. Since we didn't have a teacher all week I plugged my headphones in and starting drawing in my notebook.

About halfway threw the class I felt a tap on my shoulder, I removed one headphone and turn around to see Devin or Ghost.

"Nancy right"

"Yeah that's me"

"Can I ask you something. But don't tell anybody"

I nodded

"Did mm Kylie like going out with me"

"Yeah she did a lot"

"Cool thanks bye "


After that Devin turned around to continue talking to his friends.
I really don't talk to them much I just have them for all my classes.

Let's see there Devin, Ryan, Josh or Balz, Ricky, Angelo, Chris and some new guy named Vinny.

I put my headphone back to alone be tap again a few seconds later. I turned around to see Vinny. Vinny is actually pretty cool and takes to me a lot just cause we have classes together.

"Hey Nan, how your morning"

"Well I was told about a date about the people that where on it"

"Yeah Devin really like Kylie right..... yeah"

We continue talking for the rest of the class and all the time that Vinny and I were talking Chris was staring and Vinny.

If looks could kill Vinny would be dead.

After class was over Vinny and I walked to our next class cause we both have to the exact schedule.

-to lunch-

"Want to hang with me and the guys, I over heard that Ghost wants to hang with Kylie today"

"Mmm........ I don't know, not really the meeting new people type of person."

"So your shy wait but why did you talk to me?"

"Well you got placed as my partners in science so it was talk to you or fail"

"So your shy and have straight A's. Anything else that I didn't know about you"

"Not really"

"So your hanging out with us come on"

Vinny pulled my arm to field your I would normal hang out by myself in the tree in the corner but not today.



I CAN FINALLY GET MARRY ANYWHERE 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

When I was writing this MIW was playing.

Note my spotify was on shuffle

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