First Day Frights

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Why did I write Alister vs The Ghost World BEFORE this episode? Idk, just felt like it. I'm pretty sure that if I were to try and make myself write the episodes in airing order I'd lose motivation SO FAST tho... so yeah!! ENJOY! 💚✨

Chairman sunk deeper into his bath in the doll house Alister set up for him. Bubbles were thick in number as excess floated gracefully around the room, smooth jazz was  playing on loop from a makeshift stereo he had made from one McGee's earbuds, he couldn't be bothered to remember who's it was or ask to use it. Chairman let out a content sigh, "I'm just a puffy little bunch'a bubbles~ ...", the ghost mumbled out almost on the brink of a nice bath nap.

Unfortunately peace was rare in this house as suddenly Alister's chipper voice rang out. "OHH CHAIRMAN!~" Chairman's eyes snapped open as he was pulled from his bath, through the dollhouse, and splattered in a wet dripping mass of the wall. He pulled off the wall in slight pain coming back to shape, before screaming in terror covering up nothing with his hands.

"ALISTER! LOOK AWAY!" Alister rolled his eyes but did as told, "Oh, what's the big deal? You don't even wear clothes, YOU'RE TECHNICALLY NAKED ALL THE TIME!" Chairman groaned, summoning a towel and wrapping up snug, "Well! I happen to be EMOTIONALLY NAKED right now!" Alister sighed and lightly face palmed. Chairman cleared his throat, wringing out his ectoplasm, intentionally getting the water everywhere on the floor, "Now, what is so important that you, RIPPED me away from my ME TIME?!"

Alister stilled before sighing waveringly, "I'm... Afraid, Chairman..." Chairman perked up at this casting his towel aside once he was dry enough. "Ooh! Alright, now we're getting somewhere. Be specific, please~", the ghost pulled out a pen and paper. Rather than list off fears like he figured the kid would the boy flopped onto his bed, burying his face in his pillow, voice coming out muffled as he spoke.

"Okay, so like... TODAY! Is my first day at my new school here in Brighton! And everyone knows first impressions are a big deal, like, A REALLY BIG DEAL? B- but... But now! The stakes are- THEY'RE EVEN HIGHER!!", Alister sprang out of bed gripping Chairman's arms in his hands tight. "Don't you get it? If I make even one, TEENY, TINY mistake I could be labeled a social outcast?! FOREVER?!!"

Chairman perked up, paying no real mind to the terrified boys feelings as he shook him off, "You'd be ruined..." "Exactly!" "You'd have to leave Brighton...!" "Likely in the dead of night...!" "The Curse would be broken and I'd have the house back to myself!"

Alister had not listened truly to Chairman's words and was instead gazing deep into his mirror, a weak smile on his face, "Y- y'know Chairman...? Now that I've talked to you about it? I can hear how CRAZY my fear sounds.", a crease of stress is visible under Alister's eye still and Chairman quickly tries to capitalize. "Oh no, it doesn't sound crazy at all!" "It's gonna be fine!~" "No-no-no! It's going to be a disaster-!" "Well I LOVE making people happy so I'm just bound to make tons of friends~"


Alister was slightly floating in the air, Chairman caught up in the threat and in his scary mode, unnatural color beginning to coat the room before Alister cooed sweetly. "Aww, nice try Chairman. I'll see you after school! Thanks for being a sounding board, byeeee!", Alister gave a cheery wave as he crushed Chairman in a hug before clambering down the ladder and closing the trapdoor behind him, which caught onto Chairman's nose and pulled off his facial features. Eyeballs lightly bouncing on the floor like pingpong balls and ectoplasm stretched out excessively Chairman let out an annoyed groan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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