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A/N: Good reading everyone!

— S-I-M-P, yeah
S-I-M-P, yeah
S-I-M-P, yeah
S-I-M-P, yeah
S-I-M-P, yeah
S-I-M-P, yeah

— Why are you singing this shit? - Sanji said the last word in a low voice so his father wouldn't hear.

— Because you're a simp, and I'm going to tell your daddy that you said a bad word! - Zoro stuck out his tongue.

— I am a S-I-M-P
Spending money and I still feel empty
Say you love me 'til my pocket's emptied

Sanji usually didn't mind being teased, so he kept doing what he was doing to show that he didn't care.

Luffy, who was playing in the restaurant's playground, approached the boys.

—What is a Simp?

— My uncle Rayleigh said that simp is when a man drools and his eyes shine when he looks at other women.

— Your uncle shouldn't take care of a child, that's not something that can be taught. - Luffy pointed out. — But what if the person is a man is he also a simp?

— I don't know, Luffy. Why do you ask?

— Because Sanji's eyes also shine when he looks at you. Is he a simp for you?

Zoro turned his face away in fright and Sanji ran away and held his father's legs.

They were only 8 years old, they were too young to think about that. Even though every time a woman appeared in the restaurant, Sanji had the same reaction. But with Zoro it was different.

They were now 14 years old and Sanji had learned to control his excitement when seeing Zoro, on the outside. Inside, his heart was racing and his entire body was shaking.

Sanji, Luffy and Zoro were still the inseparable trio, and they hoped their friendship would last for a long time.

They were at Sanji's house, Zeff organized a party for his friends, and Luffy and Zoro's parents would obviously be there, after all, they were as inseparable as the younger ones.

— I'm going to put on Mihawk's song! - Shanks shouted. And not ironically it was S.I.M.P by Kylesimps, which had reminded them of when they were children, they only remembered because Zoro had never stopped saying that that was Sanji's song. The three sang together happily, they got to know the song and learned it thanks to Zoro and his irresponsible uncle.

— We also say that this song was made for Sanji. - Luffy commented to the adults.

- Why? - Zeff asked interested. - Sanji put his hands over Luffy's mouth, to stop him.

— You only made me more curious, Sanji.

— Like father-in-law, like son-in-law! - Mihawk joked and everyone, especially Sanji, was perplexed.

Luffy walked away, letting the two talk.

Zoro and Sanji had a frown on their faces.

- Do You like me? - Zoro asked nervously

Sanji lost his nervousness instantly, and his mischievous look appeared. He smiled in a way that made Zoro even more desperate.

— Yes, Zoro. Maybe I'm a simp. But only for you!


Guys, I have some problems with my right hand at the moment, and my arm too, sometimes I can't feel my arm and I can't write, but I'm going to see a doctor asap, don't worry. I will try to update whenever possible and as I feel my hand. I believe it's because my cell phone is very heavy, and I used it for a long time to play Genshin and Mobile Legends.

C ya. 🌷

— Heaven 🍒

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