Part 2- My sister and popcorn.

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"Ooh, yep sure! Everyone's going to yours then?"

An looked like she wanted to eat glass. She laughed nervously..
"A-actually on second thought my house is too small for that.." An said quietly looking at the floor while Akito tried his best not to laugh, she caught him smirking and gave him a warning look.

Toya interjected calmly in all of this, pushing his coffee flask into his school bag.
"This would actually be my first time sleeping over with kids my age since I was little..I don't know if my Dad would be okay with all of you going to my house especially so late at night..I mostly trust you guys but he might not." Toya sounded genuinely interested in a sleepover. An gulped- her plan for Kohane having failed miserably. Meanwhile Akito raised an eyebrow at what he meant by 'mostly' trusting the squad. He must have meant An..

Kohane hummed and tapped her chin as the gears in her head turned thinking about how to solve this simple problem, An liked to watch her do this. She looked even more like a cute little hamster than normal when she did this. Akito noticed this and made a face at An, women really were so very strange. Just like his sister..

An retaliated by putting her hands on her hips and mouthing,
"You ginger shit lord." While the two ended up having a silent argument behind Kohane's back, Kohane finally formulated a plan.
"Hmmm... Well my house should do but, Akito can we go to yours for the sleepover since it's closer?" Kohane said innocently, she knew Akito has a sister but when she had met her she seemed really nice, she had also taken some really pretty pictures..

"No. That wouldn't go well. Enas usually up with her..her partner and-" Akito shivered and then continued talking.
"Besides my rooms to small and my Dad would be annoying as well... we'll go to yours Kohane alright?" Akito said sighing. Kohane nodded, decidedly shrugging this off, and texted her Dad.
"Do you guys have my address? I'll see you all at five then? Hehe this is so exciting.. I'll make sure to have pop corn and everything alright?" Kohane said with a grin on her face.
"I look forward to it, Miss Kohane."
Everyone stood up and went their separate ways, An and Kohane in one direction and the boys in another.


Time skips to it being 5PM that evening. Kohane had gotten almost everything ready and is excited for a sleepover. An had been blowing up her phone with gifs for the last hour so Kohane's phone had died. After that she'd relented to pacing up and down her kitchen with pop corn in the microwave when her Dad came into the kitchen.

"Are your teammates coming over around now then?" He asked as Kohane nodded frantically still pacing up and down.
"Yep they are.."
"Alright then I'll leave you kids be then, just be responsible and do the right thing. Alright kiddo?"
"Yes Dad, you know I wouldn't do anything crazy. I wouldn't do anything terrible, we're staying home and watching High school musical."
"I trust you honey."

"Knock, Knock."

Kohane quickly jumped and walked to the front door, there was a part of her that felt strangely anxious about this whole thing.. She answered the door and an over excited An was there in a flannel and jeans, carrying a backpack on her right shoulder. An smiled and hugged Kohane tightly, the smell of peach filling Kohane's senses. Kohane smiled softly, she liked seeing her partner whenever she dressed up. Truly a formidable girl friend.

Toya was standing there quietly, almost like a lost child. Despite this he had the soft spark in his eyes of unabashed enthusiasm. He wore sweatpants, a vest and carried a single pillow, though he looked on the whole intimidated to be spending the night away from home, he certainly had the right spirit. His eyes lit up with innocent excitement as he stepped forward and quickly spoke in a rehearsed tone.
"Kohane, can I please enter your residence if that is okay with you now?"
Kohane cocked her head for a moment, processing what he had just said, she then smiled softly.
"Of course! Go ahead up stairs and make yourself comfortable Toya."
Kohane moved herself and An (who was still hugging her) into her house and out of Toyas way. Toya bowed and quickly bounded up stairs, grinning to himself like an idiot and practically skipping.

An squeezed Kohane in her arms as Kohane tried her best to close the door with her foot.
"Gh- A you're crushing me again..oh and also you look very impressive tonight." An smiled at this and let her go before deciding to hug her again.
"Thank you Kohane~"
An let go of Kohane and looked around her houses hall way excitedly. Kohane took a breath of air while watching An look around at all the pictures of her with her Dad. An going 'awwww' periodically while Kohane would silently smile bashfully. They walked down the hall like this until An would turn around and give Kohane a look that she couldn't read.

"I will say, you've got a really nice house Kohane, oh and can I take off my shoes?"
An said looking around for some sort of shoe rack, Kohane nodded.
"Hehe all of these pictures of you and your Dad are so cute-" An said pulling off her shoes. She winced as in her excitement her knee had accidentally collided with her stomach. Kohane looked at her worried but couldn't help but giggle slightly at Ans awkward anticts.
"Are you alright An? Let's go upstairs to my room alright?" Kohane said walking up to An, putting a hand on her stomach to check if she was alright, before An could say anything there was a knock on the door.

"Knock, Knock."

"I'll go get it, can you get up to my room alright?"
"Yes of course Kohane" An saluted Kohane and ran up the stairs like nothing was wrong. Kohane watched her go, pondering her strange behaviour before opening the door.

"Hey Akito"
"Yes hi Kohane, please let me in the house and close the door please." Kohane cocked her head but jumped out the way as Akito and his pillow quickly pushed into the house. Before closing the door, Kohane paused and squinted her eyes as she could hear some strange music outside, she took a step out her house. Suddenly before she could react she felt an arm grab her and pull her back towards the entrance of her house.

Unfortunately for Akito, before she could be fully pulled into her house she managed to spot a brown haired girl blasting loud music from her car. The pair of arms behind her closed the door in front of her and Kohane turned around to see a furiously embarrassed Akito stood in front of her. Akito covered his face in a way Kohane understood as a cue to give him some space for whatever reason. Kohane walked away past him, her mind switching over to getting the pop corn from the kitchen. However before she went she heard a voice call out to her.

"Just don't ask. And definitely don't tell the others about this. Okay?"...

End of part 2😽😻 more cuming soon and happy Valentine's Day I'm sorry that I'm shit at writing

Also if you are curious the song Ena was playing was:

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