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(Kinda just writing this story because I can. Also not enough DogDay love, he deserved better)

You were a simple person. Wake up, get ready, go to work, go home, eat, go to sleep, repeat. Your everyday always looked the same most of the time. Except for your days off work. On those days you either slept all day or played video games.

After what seemed to be an eternity of working the drive thru at Jack in the Box, you came home to your lonely studio apartment. You instantly began to undress, putting on something more comfy. You usually just stay in your uniform, but a blonde woman at the drive thru dumped her drink all over you just because you apparently talked back to her. People these days. 

As you slumped on your mattress, you remembered that you had to check your mailbox. You kept forgetting, and a couple weeks back one of your packages got stolen because you forgot to check your mail.

You hauled yourself off of your rock-hard mattress, heading out to check your mail. As you eventually reached your mailbox, you reached inside and pulled out a rather hefty looking envelope. There definitely wasn't just paper in it..

You took the envelope back inside your room, opening it on your bed. For some reason, whoever sealed the envelope decided to not only drown the outside of the envelope in glitter, but also tape it up to seal it, so you had to tear the paper a bit to get it open. When the paper finally tore, a VHS tape dropped onto your lap. You picked it up, reading the label. 


You stared at the yellow VHS stupidly for a minute before letting out a laugh. A commercial? Seriously? Were your old coworkers playing a prank? If so, it was pretty dumb, especially since you had gone no-contact with them ever since you left your two week notice.

As the envelope tore, a piece of paper fell out with the tape as well, folded around the tape so that both objects could fit in the envelope. You took the piece of paper, unfolding it and beginning to read it.


At the bottom of the letter, there was a drawing of what you assumed to be, funny enough, a poppy, and a red splatter of something in the bottom left corner. Guess someone was so busy eating their lunch they spilled some ketchup or jam or something on the paper. They also spelled "disappeared" wrong and placed the apostrophe in "we're" in the wrong place. Strange, it appeared to be written by a child in red crayon too.

At least it was written in a way you could understand. Back when you worked at the Playtime Co. factory, you could only read printed out documents because almost every single employee wrote in such a terrible cursive that you could hardly tell if it was scribbles or not. 

You decided to not watch the VHS tape commercial. Back in the factory, you were practically forced to watch it a hundred times over they played it on the TVs so much. You simply put the VHS into your sock drawer, not really knowing where else to put it.

You reread the letter again. And again. Then another time for good measure. You're off work tomorrow, so you could just go and get it over with. But what if it was a trap of some kind? But that's silly. Why would someone go out of their way to trap you of all people? You're not really worth a ransom.

You thought it over a long, hard minute. If you went, you could feed your curiosity and stop thinking about it so hard. Or you could stay home and sleep without the potential threat of either a kidnapping or just being killed. A very hard choice indeed!

Eventually, after what felt like forever, you finally decided. You would go to the Playtime Co. factory tomorrow on your day off just to satisfy your curiosity. Curiosity may have killed the cat...but satisfaction brought it back.

✫☼☾☁ 𝘈 𝘋𝘰𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘌𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘦 ☁☾☼✫ - A DogDay X GN! Reader -Where stories live. Discover now