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(Me after working on something online for 2727826482369126491264 hours only for it not to save anything even though I literally hit the save button repeatedly before exiting)

After a while of contemplating your life choices and how you ended up in this moment, you eventually stood up. You began to scratch under DogDay's chin, lulling him back to sleep by some miracle. Sure, you weren't alone, but who knows what that could have been. It could have been harmless, for all you knew. Still, you couldn't help but wonder what it was. That almost sounded like the jingle of DogDay's sun pendant every time he moved his head.

You grabbed your grabpack, slipping it back on over your shoulders. You grabbed the blue cube battery that you had neglected to notice before, putting it onto its designated pedestal. After working here for a bit, you had come to the realization that even if you tried to put a cube on the wrong pedestal, it wouldn't even fit. At least the Playtime Co. Factory had the sense to do something as mundane as that. You quickly jumped down from a hole in the railing (risky, but what other option did you have?) Hitting the floor and surprisingly not breaking one of your legs.

As you began to look around the shelving units for the other stupid little cube battery things, you felt something nudge your leg. As you looked down, DogDay was right next to you, the green cube in his mouth. You hadn't even heard him jump down!

"Um...thanks. Probably shouldn't hold electrical equipment in your mouth though, buddy." You gently took the cube out of DogDay's mouth, wiping the doggy drool off of it.

"Don't worry, angel. I know what I'm doing." DogDay just brushed off your concerns.

After another five minutes, you both eventually found all the other cubes. You pulled open the large metal door. You began to clamber back up the staircase, gripping tightly onto the handrail in case your tired brain just malfunctioned and decided to kick your feet out from under you. DogDay was right behind you, going slow as to not bump his body too hard on the edges.

You put all three cubes onto their respective pedestals, and the claw came to life. You had always thought that someone had to be controlling the claw in order for it to work, but it was moving totally fine without. Less work for you though. The claw grabbed a glass case that you hadn't even noticed, dropping it onto the conveyor belt below. It shattered on impact. The first thing that caught your eye? The red hand was inside!

You hopped down from the ledge again, your legs wobbling slightly as you hit the ground. Instead of jumping down like you thought he had, DogDay began to crawl down a random pipe to reach the ground. You were happy he was playing it safe. If he fell the wrong way, then his guts would probably spray everywhere. Yuck.

You carefully maneuvered your hand into the case, making sure not to get your hand caught on any glass. You took the red hand into your own, feeling the sleek glossiness of it for the first time, and put it into the right cannon. Now...your grabpack was complete! Weren't there other hands though..? It didn't matter, you felt accomplished enough!

You instantly fired both hand cannons onto their respective chargers above the conveyor belt door. After a while, it opened, but not all the way. You had to crouch under it, and manually lift it a bit (much to your struggle) just so DogDay could fit through it. After a little bit of walking, guess what you found...that's right, yet another puzzle to progress further! You quickly got to work on it, just wanting to reach a medical bay at this point. The fact that you couldn't do too much in fear of DogDay's intestines beginning to spill out of his abdomen was getting annoying, and you could tell he thought it was a hassle to manage too. 

After, like, five minutes, you finished the puzzle. You were about to relax, but jerked when the conveyor belt started up. Hell, you nearly fell right on top of DogDay in front of you. Everything was going somewhat fine...until a part of the conveyor belt branched off to a different section. Unfortunately, DogDay ended up going down that right path while you remained going straight, separating you both.

✫☼☾☁ 𝘈 𝘋𝘰𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘌𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘦 ☁☾☼✫ - A DogDay X GN! Reader -Where stories live. Discover now