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kraft ad boy

my girl🫶
are you trying to kill me
message erased!

kraft ad boy
pjo premier tomorrow.

my girl🫶
i know.
i'm so proud of you
you are so amazing walker

kraft ad boy
are you kidding?
you make the show what it is pretty girl
i couldn't have done it without you

my girl🫶
message erased!
i'm blushing
like i'm literally grinning at my phone rn you don't understand

kraft ad boy
god i wish i could see that smile

my girl🫶
i miss you so bad

kraft ad boy
i need you in my arms right now
nope too much
message erased!
come over
spend the night
we can go to hair makeup and fittings in the
morning together

my girl🫶
yes please


walker jumped up from his seat when he heard the doorbell ring.

he couldn't wait to see his girls face. he missed her eyes and her smile and the sweet way she smelled.

it's like he craved her.

he quickly rushed over to the door, unlocked it, and swung it open.

the boy was met with estella who was dressed in sweat pants and and an oversized knit jumper. half of her wavy hair was pulled back with a clip and the rest laid flawlessly upon her shoulders.

she pushed her large framed glasses up to stop them from slipping off the bridge of her nose, then flashed walker and sweet smile.

walker examined every freckle sprinkling her cheeks, the way her hair sat just right, how comfy and homey her clothes were, and how beautiful her smile was.

everything about her was perfect.

walker must have been staring at her for a while, because the girl interrupted his thoughts by saying, "what? is there something on my face?"

walker was embarrassed to be caught in his act, and to throw the girl off he quickly replied, "yup, just pure ugly," with a grin on his face.

she laughed, as she walked into the house, throwing her bags on the ground by the door.

"walker you're an asshole-"

estella's sentence was cut quickly cut off by walker engulfing her in a hug.

she froze for a moment, but quickly wrapped her arms around the boy, melting into his touch.

"i missed you," walker mumbled into her hair.

"i missed you more," estella replied leaning her head in the crook of his neck.

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