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-September 6th 1997-

"Iris! Let's go! Now!" My mother called.

"Alright mommy!" I yelled. I grabbed my rain boots and coat and skipped merrily down the hall.

Hi, I'm Iris. I'm 8. I have pretty baby blue eyes and straight pitch-black hair. I'm wearing my favorite dress. Today is the first day of 3rd grade. 

"Hello," someone said behind me.

"Oh, Hi daddy!" 

"Ready?" I nodded.

"Forgetting something?" Mom asked, I thought about it for a minute. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I gasped. 

-She went to school that day, thinking something was going to happen. Her parents had looked like they were worried about something. She had been so excited; she had missed the boxes with names like "Living Room" and "Bedrooms" on them littering the floors. She had missed the empty rooms, and the moving truck that pulled up right behind the school bus.-

 "Happy birthday!" Jared yelled. I just smiled at him. Feeling weird. Like my head was spinning. 

"What’s wrong?" He looked extremely worried, like his life was on the line.

"I don't know..."

My head hit the ground with a dull thud as I fell over and blacked out. I came to about an hour later. I was lying in a weird position on the floor. I slowly walked to my mirror, and what I saw made me gasp.

A white wolf with baby blue eyes; my baby blue eyes.

 Shortly later I realized I wasn't in my own room anymore. I was in a room that looked like mine, but it wasn't. Something was wrong.

I ran down the stairs, obviously as a wolf, and ran into my father. He looked down at me, his eyes wide. 

"Think about your human body, baby, you'll change back."

I closed my eyes and thought about my body. It only hurt for a moment, and then it didn't anymore. Opening my eyes I realized I was human again, and naked. Dad grabbed the blanket from the couch and wrapped me in it. 

"Where are we?" I demanded.

"Honey, sit down so we can talk." I stayed put staring at him waiting for an answer.

"Honey, sit down." He said firmly, for some reason I had no choice but to obey him. With my head down, I walked to the couch. He then left the room to get Mom. I took the chance to look around, this house was huge compared to my six year old self. A chandelier hung from the ceiling shining like the stars, the ceiling and walls were all painted dark reds and blues with pure white trim. Windows as big as doors were in the walls, clear as ever, the bright blue sky was out without a care in the world. Totally opposite what I was feeling inside.

"You're a werewolf." He explained.

"What's a werewolf?" I asked, I had never been a big fan of fantasy stories.

"A werewolf is," he explained, " a human being who has changed into a wolf, or is capable of turning into a wolf, while still using their human brain. Every werewolf has a mate," noticing my confusion, he continued on. "A mate, is someone you meet and you love them and only them for the rest of your life. When you meet them you will instantly know they are yours and they belong to you," he stared into my mothers eyes. "You will always love them, you can never betray them, and when you are too far away from them it hurts, physically," mom was crying at this point, "If your mate cheats on you, you can't stay mad at them for too long, your mate can't cheat without hurting a mate is for life," he finshed, getting up and going over to mom and kissing her, "I love you, babe."

That explained how they always looked like love sick teenagers. Dad sent me to bed, and I fell asleep and dreamed of a big black wolf with electric green eyes. He was beautiful.

 I scowled remembering the day.

I decided to take a shower. When done I used my wet2straight straightener, and straightened my white-bleach blonde hair.

I applied my make-up, brushed my teeth and went down stairs. 


"Ugh." I groaned.

"Go to school." Mom said pushing me out the door.

"Alright, alright." I said, jumping in my car. I reversed out and drove the five minutes to school. 

"Omg! You should see the new kid!" 

"I know he's like soo hawt!" 

That's all I heard walking into school. Even my friends were talking about him. Apparently he's made a big impression. 

"Jules, Who's the new kid?" I asked my best friend, Julia. 

"I have no idea. But he is really hot." she replied. The bell rang signaling homeroom. Ending all conversations. The announcements were the same as every first day, happy birthday to Iris! Blah blah blah. 

Today, being the first day, we got our schedules. 

Julia got the exact same schedule as me. Like every year. Julia is the kind of friend every girl has. She can be obnoxious but she's laid back as well. She gossips, she's gorgeous, and, she's a werewolf. 

"Apparently the new kid is in our 8th and 9th period classes." Julia gushed. 

"Yay!" I said sarcastically. The bell saved my life. 

The day went by fast. I still had that nagging feeling, by 7th period it had got to the point of giving me a headache. 

 My wolf only scratched at me when I had one hell of a day coming. Here goes nothing. 

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